“ | You are my enemy, my nemesis. Our end will mark the devastation of the planet. This is my final demand. I am the Angel of the Bottomless Abyss, I am the one who opens all doors. I am light and darkness, the beginning and the end. | „ |
— Abaddon to Michael. |
Abaddon is the fallen cherub that was tempted to fall and became the Archdemon that rules the Abyss. He was known as the angel that banished Lucifer and his rebel angels after the War in Heaven.
Abaddon is considered the ruler of all demons of the seventh layer of Hell, Violence, and also the commander of the Locusts of Abaddon. He took major part in the Ten Plagues of Egypt, helping Yaldabaoth by using his locusts to destroy the crop fields of Egypt. Abaddon also rules over the entirety of the Abyss.
Abaddon was a large angel, larger even than Michael in his humanoid form. He had strong, well-built muscles, reflecting his warrior nature. When he was an angel, he wore a golden breastplate and had white feathered wings.
Upon transforming into a demon, Abaddon gains eyes as black as night and a huge mouth with many sharp teeth like those of a great white shark. In addition, he wears black armor and his wings have turned dark. In this form, he has a robust figure and a strong, relatively fat body. When working as a Fallen Angel for Lucifer, he dons a helmet that covers his face, so the angels and demons wouldn't find out that he is a double agent for Lucifer and Jesus Christ.
In his demon form, he is often depicted as a large, human-sized locust and rules and leads a swarm of locusts and other insects that carry infectious diseases as a king.
During the third world war, Abaddon possessed a military leader while his demons possessed the soldiers, so that they captured the "locusts made of iron" and marched towards the Holy City.
Who Abaddon has allegiance to is unknown. He is often bringing judgement upon people in the name of God, implying that he works for the Almighty. That being said, Abaddon has also caused events that God would never have wanted to happen, let alone the fact that Abaddon helped Lucifer during the War in Heaven. Even though Abaddon had betrayed Lucifer, this doesn't mean he works for God, it just meant he didn't work of Lucifer or Satan.
Abaddon is sometimes referred or foreshadowed as Death, as they both are neutral entity of the two opposing forces. He is also considered as both angel and demon with neutral and at times lawful agent of both Heaven and Hell. It is unknown where does allegiance lie, but he is often seen as a lawful agent of God who will abide to His will to fulfill his long destiny and duty and other times a demonic instrument of destruction sent by Ayin.
Powers and Abilities[]
Abaddon is more similar to the forces of nature than an actual living being, not being evil nor good. He is one of the most feared beings within the entire Megaverse; angels, demons, and mortals alike are afraid of even uttering his name. Satan himself has expressed the wish to never meet Abaddon in combat. His power is so great that he was even worshiped as a god of fire, hall, chaos, and collecting the earth. It is due to this that he has gotten the attention of the Forsaken Priest and Zalgo.
- Ruin the Extinct: Also known as demonic projectiles of annihilation. Abaddon shared the skill with Apollyon is able to mold his Power of Destruction into numerous highly mobile spheres capable of eliminating things without a trace (he can kill angels and archuta) and bypass his target's defenses, resulting in minimal damage to the surrounding environment.
- Magic of Destruction: A form of magic that allows Abaddon to destroy everything he touches and can even fire waves of destruction. Destruction allows him to destroy the souls and the true being of anyone.
- Annihilation: A spell that allows him to destroy anyone simply by touching them. Destruction can even spread over the ground destroying anyone.
- Destructive Waves: A spell that allows Abaddon to release waves of energy destruction.
- Locust Manipulation: Abaddon it is capable of controlling huge monstrous locusts capable of devouring humans, known as "Locusts of Abaddon" are able to devour anything in their path can also devour divinities from other pantheons.
- Chaos Manipulation: Abaddon can create and fire energy bursts of pure chaos from the palms of his hands (chaos is pure energy that exists before creation) can explode on impact and vaporize the opponent.
Abaddon was created by God near the beginning of time alongside the rest of the angels. Abaddon was given the role of destroyer, to destroy things that God wasn't willing to. God was omnibenevolent, He could never destroy something that He created, and so that job went to Abaddon. This job being designated to him made Abaddon believe that God was a tyrant, as the only time he was bothered was to destroy something "in the name of God".
This lead to an unspoken grudge growing between him and his father, which was partially thanks to Tinshemet's corruption, a grudge that could easily be used against him.
War in Heaven[]
Lucifer started rallying a third of the angels, promising them a variety of rewards if they joined him against God. To Abaddon, he promised more freedom with his destruction, being allowed to not destroy if he chooses not to. Abaddon agreed to join Lucifer's side in the hopes that this would give the apparent tyrant less power over what he ruled.
Over the course of the war, Abaddon was incredibly helpful in disposing of their angelic enemies. Unfortunately he was eventually stopped by Raphael while he was in his true form. Abaddon made the first strike, which barely made a dent in the angel before Raphael using his divine light to set Abaddon on fire, where he then fell into Hell.
The charred body of Abaddon then woke up in the inferno, not knowing who to follow. He pretended to work for Satan and Lucifer while he decided who's allegiance he belonged to. The Key to the Abyss was given to him during this time, though it's unknown who gave it to him. This made him the ruler of the Abyss.
Forbidden Relationship[]
Abaddon eventually established a romantic relationship with the archangel Kafziel. They attempted to keep this a secret for the longest time, as a relationship between an angel and demon was forbidden. They hid this relationship long enough to have five children, one of which being Wurdothos. Unfortunately, their relationship was eventually found out about, and their children were sentenced to death, with the only one to survive being the previously mentioned Wurdothos.
Abaddon's feelings on this situation was never recorded.
During the Apocalypse, Abaddon betrayed Lucifer and went on his own path to help God. He was appalled that Lucifer was unable to fulfill his promise to Abaddon that made him apart of the war to begin with. Abaddon saw Lucifer as no better than the supposed tyrannical dictator that they were fighting, and he didn't want any part of it.
Under the guise of helping the Trihexa, Abaddon sent out his army of locusts to destroy Jerusalem, the fifth trumpet. Abaddon deliberately crippled his army so that they didn't annihilate God's people while still appearing to help out Satan.
Myths and Legends[]
Abaddon was originally a term meaning "destruction" in the Tanakh, either being used as a place similar to Sheol or just as the action of destroying. It wasn't until the Book of Revelation that Abaddon was described as an angel of the abyss who ruled over the locusts described in the previous passages. The term "Abaddon" is Hebrew, and it was equated with the Greek word "Apollyon" which means "Destroyer".
Abaddon has been identified with other demons despite his identification as an angel. Matthew Henry believed Abaddon to be the Antichrist, while multiple other Christian sources, most particularly the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary and Henry Hampton Halley, identified Abaddon with Satan. Furthermore in The Pilgrim's Progress, the pilgrim fights with Abaddon for over half a day, implying that Abaddon fights against Christians and is therefore a demon.
“ | A king, the angel of the bottomless pit; whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon; in Latin Exterminans. | „ |
— Revelation 9:11, Douay–Rheims Bible. |
“ | His technique is based on the clash of conflicting emotions: bravery and fear, security and weakness, love and hate, good and bad. I, who have killed men, angels and gods, do not know kindness, justice, friendship or peaceful feelings. All that is inside of me is fury, malice and thirst for death. Therefore, my spirit cannot be affected, cannot be destroyed by your psychic devices. I am the embodiment of the most terrible and atrocious in this world. I am the true evil, the unjust and the cruel. I have never been defeated and never will be. | „ |
— Abaddon to Gabriel. |
“ | -or it came from the goodness of my heart, perhaps? After all, I do have a tender spot for cripples and bastards and broken things. | „ |
— Abaddon. |
“ | Traitor! I thought we were on the same side, and all that history of yours with your rivalry with Miguel and eternal hatred? | „ |
— Lucifer to Abaddon during his prison back in the Cage. |
“ | All of that is true, Bringer of Light, but you know... I like to be on the winning team. | „ |
— Abaddon to Lucifer. |
- Abaddon's Tarot symbol is the Judgment.