“ | I have always existed and no one came before me. I was the one who truly brought the birth of existence and non-existence. My power is unlimited as no one can truly comprehend my power. I know what everyone knows more than that. beyond. I am the one that is above all. I am the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. I am... God. | „ |
— God. |
Yesh, also known as God and YHWH (pronounced Yahweh or Yehowah), or simply Existence, among thousands of other names scattered throughout Creation, is the Monotheistic God of the three great Abrahamic religions known as Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Yesh is the God of the Covenant, known as the 'Father' and Creator of Angels and Jesus Christ, Lord of the Heavens and the absolute ruler of the Megaverse. He is the Primordial 'God' of Existence, Light, Good, Purity, Heaven, Order and all Creation. The existence became the Primordial entity that rules over the light and the creations.
God is the all-powerful deity of all Creation, being a Pre-Existentital Entity and existing as One with all existence, remaining immersed in His creation, being known by different names and titles, with all the other gods and deities of other religions spread across the Earth being just shadows of His unfathomable and ineffable self, with His most common name being The God of The Bible or Abrahamic God.
Though a deity of sheer power and known to all mankind, God is largely unknown in a personal way, with very little known about Him and His family, with all accounts of His appearances to Biblical and Talmudic figures actually being manifestations of His shards and avatars, the most famous of which being Yehoshu'a Hamashia, the Anointed One.
God is truly the Godhead, that is, He is the essential aspect of the Most Holy Trinity, as well as the Aeons, and the Monad. He is the "transcendent mind" or "unlimited unconsciousness" of existence that exists guiding the entire narrative of the universe silently, like an author writing a story, guiding each ant, each bacteria, each human, each angel, aeon, demon, avatar or primordial.
Yesh, sometimes identified as Jehovah, YHVH, and more commonly known as God, is the Supreme Creator of the Abrahamic Religions, recognized as the one and only God in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, of whose Divine Presence all other divinities in alternate faiths and religions are nothing but pale shadows and who stands outside of Creation as its absolute ruler, enigmatic, ineffable and only ever manifesting through mere avatars of His being, such as the Jesus Christ, the Annointed One, who many believers recognize as the Son of God and the Good Sheperd who would guide humanity to the direction of its Creator, though even such avatars are still shaped entirely by the eyes of those who behold them, and thus their words ultimately reveal more about the person with whom they are communicating than about God Himself.
Every being that exists, has existed, or will exist, as well as every planet, world, universe, and multiverse, along with the megaverse itself, was created and determined by His will. God is the Verb that generated and created the world in His image and likeness. The verb was with God, it was God, and without Him nothing that was made would come into being if it weren't for Him.
It is correct to say that almost all beings are, in some way, “children” of God, as He is responsible for the creation of all beings, including demons. He is the creator of the megaverse and almost everything in it, including angels, humans and some gods. Arguably God is the most powerful being of all, being the first and the One Above All, being known for creating Heaven, the Megaverse and all that resides therein, and claiming benevolent dominion over it. The exceptions to this rule are other Pre-Existential entities and their creations.
God is also generally defined as an intangible, invisible, incorporeal being without any human biological sex, but due to his role as the Creator of the cosmos, God has been interpreted as a male figure, being called "Father", although God is better classified as "Forefather" of the universe. Since God is conceived of as neither a corporeal nor an incorporeal being, He cannot (and some say He shouldn't) be depicted in a literal visual interpretation; some religious groups use an elderly old man to symbolize God because of His role as the "father" of the universe and His act of creating man's mind in the image of His own. God was conceived of as being unfathomable and ineffable, and immaterial (spiritual), immortal, ageless, timeless and aspatial, being a personal being, the source of all positive moral obligation, and the most "real being possible".
God is the Primordial Source of everything and anything. He is the primary cause, the Unmoved mover, the uncaused, self-generated and eternal cause. He is the Source of existence, creation, being and everything. He is Unique, Ineffable and Absolute, the personification of omnipotence itself. God is the Supreme Creator of the Three Great Abrahamic Religions, the Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Adored and revered among humans as Creator and Savior, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient, and the only True Source of love and justice. Such was the glory and majesty of the Supreme that, His attributes and qualities were beings of their own, each possessing his own personality and will, which later came to be molded into the avatars of God as Yaldabaoth (His wrath), Nebro (His apathy), the Ancient of Days (His order), the Holy Trinity (His love), among others.
God is the origin of everything and anything, including and excluding Himself. According to Michael, He is the first and original Primordial Embodiment, representing the Is and Is-Not, Everything and Nothing, and Existence and Nonexistence. He is the coin with the sides of Good and Evil, the absoulte embodiment of the Absolute Zero - The origin of everything/anything that exists, will exist, will not exist, and does not exist. He is worshipped by humans as the monotheistic deity of the Abrahamic religions, consisting of Christianity, Judaism as well as other religions Abrahamic. Due to the immense size of these religions, He is considered to be the most important deity across all of religions, despite Him claiming not to be a deity in the same way other deities are.
God is mostly amoral and indifferent to earthly events, but oversees every multiverse and the megaverse should things get out of hand. It is rare for Him to interfere in the affairs of mortals because He respects free will and believes that mortals have enough power to create their own destiny and history without Him interfering. God's plans are also considered highly mysterious and confusing, to the point where not even His angels, aeons or emanations are able to understand His mode of operation, except if He says so himself, and even then it is difficult to understand. It is believed that anyone can get so mad trying to understand His ways that their brain turns into a black hole.
Though He is an entity of pure goodness, God is ultimately a purely ontological force, being unknowable and inert, and remaining ever-distant from His creations, with most accounts of biblical and talmudic figures interacting with Him being actually interferences from His avatars or the Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger. In spite of this, He remains a central figure in the grand scheme of the narrative, with His influence subtly guiding all of existence towards a state where goodness outweighs evil, with every event that ever took place in the universe, regardless of how unfortunate, ultimately leading up to the day where the world will bloom into a state of pure harmony, in tune with its creator.
God is also said to be the Creator of gods and goddesses, like the Aeons and even some pagan gods, giving them authority and power to oversee fragments of the multiverse and megaverse, and in the process also made His existence hidden until He asked Gabriel to begin revealing about Him to mankind and choosing certain men or women to take notes about Him that would later be, known as Prophets. The Prophets themselves act as His messengers on Earth, charged with spreading His word and love across the globe. They are also said to wield an infinitely small fraction of His divine power.
The diverse and different beliefs, conceptions and opinions about the person of God led to the development of ideas of omnitheism, which teaches that there is some fundamental and theological truth behind all religions and that all religions can be right in some sense. Perhaps all the different conceptions and expressions to try to understand the Unknown Father God are actually different ways of looking at a single and singular God, or as Raphael would say:
“ | There is only one God, who is known by countless names and titles. All humans worship or seek this one God through their different views and opinions about the world. God dwells in them, and they dwell in God. | „ |
Despite everything that's been said, the concept that He is the "Abrahamic God" is an incredibly simple understanding, as he is much, much more. He is the God of Philosophy, the Concept of Faith, the Creator of Existence, and the very Embodiment of Supremacy as a whole. He is much more than a deity worshiped in the Middle East, or any other part of Earth for that matter. If there were a planet that had it's own religion separate from humans, God would still probably have a hand in it. When the idea that the supreme God was universally female, God would've identified as female back then. He isn't just the protector of Israel, nor just the father of Jesus, nor just the Sovereign Lord, He is all of those things at once yes but he also just is; He is God.
“ | Is the god the source, or is the god a human manner of conceiving of the force and energy that supports the world? In our tradition God is a male. This male and female differentiation is made, however, within the field of time and space, the field of duality. If God is beyond duality, you cannot say that God is a "He." You cannot say God is a "She." You cannot say God is an "It." | „ |
— Joseph Campbell. |
God has no definite true form. For God predates the concepts of time and space, They are interpreted as being devoid of any shape or size, gender or nationality, bearing no resemblance to anything, being immaterial, ineffable and immeasurable. However, they appears as incomprehensible and formless but are perceived by others as an intensely harsh light that is stated by Death and Life to be able to slash and burn the corneas of any being who stares into it and that his true voice can rupture the eardrums of any who listen. Other times, God can appear in his true form as a humanoid figure of harsh white light. Although represented and referred to as a masculine being, God transcends Creation, existing as a state that transcends the duality of good and evil, light and darkness, masculine and feminine, infinitude and finitude. He is a state of pure being that is neither Existence nor Non-Existence, He just is. God is a truly transcendent godhead who is neither physical nor metaphysical, but pataphysical, that is, ineffable.
When manifested on Earth, God appears through Avatars, which are physical forms that He uses to be able to interact with His creations, as God is ineffable, unspeakable, incomprehensible, immeasurable, unknowable and transcendent, then to be able to interact with His children in such a low and deep level of His creation, He uses physical avatars that are but infinitesimal aspects of His unfathomable self. As the Ancient of Days, God's form's is that of an old man with a long white beard, pure white messy hair, and looks an awful like Santa Claus. His eyes are described as holding within all the secrets of the existence and nonexistence, softly glowing with a divine power compare to none. His voice is said to be regal and thunderous, with words rightfully demand the respect and attention of those around Him. Another one of God's form's looks more approachable, in this form God is that of a man in his late 30s to his early or mid-40s, with a beard and messy hair. He has light blue and gold eyes, a fair complexion, and is rather short in height.
As Jesus Christ (4-6 BCE to 30-33 CE), God took on the appearance of a man near middle age, with dark skin, long dark hair, greasy, and of average height, not being very tall. During the Apocalypse, God also took on other forms, such as a White Lamb with seven horns. As Jehovah, the Lord manifests himself as a man in the elderly, with short white hair and a clean beard, and as the Holy Spirit God manifests himself as a White Dove.
As a Pre-Existential Primordial Entity whose true form exists beyond the comprehension of gods, monsters, and humans alike, God often takes on a human form to interact with beings within Creation. He possesses no form except that of which He makes for Himself. Likewise, while most religions' depictions of Him as a male, as well as Him appearing in the form of a young man, He does not possess a concept of gender as it is something much beneath Him, like all other concepts in existence.
“ | Please do not mistake my noninterference for apathy. Believe me when I say that I truly did want to lend an aiding hand to my creations. For a time I believed that if I continued to step in, whether it by teaching or punishing, these beautiful creatures that I have created would grow and evolve. But I saw that the more I interfere, the more their independence and thus their strengths and will begins to fade and it only stayed the same. As such...I needed to stay my hand and allow my children to find their own paths. I can only guide them not carve the paths that they desire for themselves. | „ |
— God to Dante Alighieri. |
“ | It doesn't matter my children's belief, it matters their actions. I don't concern what religion they choose to associate with or how they were born, I concern on how they use their gifts and how they effect the world they live in. Besides, if I wanted humans to act an exact and certain way I would've given up on this whole "mysterious" shtick a long time ago. | „ |
— God. |
Many believe and know that God is an absolutely and extremely benevolent being, kind, calm, full of fatherly love and patient with His creations, He is a being firm, authoritarian and fair in his dominion and authority over the Multiverses and Megaverse, but very merciful and fair in judging. He does not take the innocent for guilty, nor the guilty for innocent. God is slow to anger, but he does not fail to exercise justice. Nevertheless, God believes in free will and want to order things to be as he wants; hoping that humans and angels will choose voluntarily. One of his biggest acts of benevolence occurred during the War in Heaven, He could have easily destroyed the various fallen angels and demons for their many crimes, but instead spared them by granting their wish of "reigning in Hell". Even after this event however, Heaven's gate remained open for anyone of God's children who wished to return. During the Great Flood, He had to leave creation to its own devices as He could no longer watch His children be hurt any longer. God adores humanity above all other creatures, with Gabriel describing them as "God's pride and joy".
Despite this, God isn't very tolerant of those who intentionally try to go against what God planned for them, forcing Him to use His power to put the back into place. One example of this is during the War in Heaven, for He did not spare the sinful angels, but instead threw them into Hell so that they may truly "reign" on their own, reserving them for the Last Judgement.
He also seems to have genuine respect, care and love for His other Pre-existential siblings, this is first shown when He cooperated with Khaos to finally defeat and imprison Azathoth and the outer gods in the Outerverse, and also sparing Khaos' Primordial children while assigning them with their respective roles in the Universe and Creation, treating them as His trusted peers, they in turned are genuinely very respectful and loyal to Him, not as an all-powerful being, but as a loving creator and God. He also shown to have a brotherly-sisterly care and love with His sister the Darkness, despite their odds in the past, and the same as the Darkness to Him, He also acts as a big brother to Ouroboros, when it learned of Khaos' disappearance and their sacrifice to create the Universe. By then they have a mutually strong bond and relationship with each others, and despite their odds in that past, they've come to forgive each other, where Ouroboros claimed that it bitterly regretting its actions of putting aside their close bonds in the past, yet God still accepts and loves it. He shared her younger sister Life's love for all of life in the whole Universe (Megaverse included), as they were shown getting along talking and maintaining life in all of Creation, He also shown getting along with Death, despite his quiet, aloof, enigmatic, and neutral interactions in the whole creation, and always giving him a lawful and rightful task of collecting or escorting souls in their rightful time, on the other hand Death seems to acknowledge and respect Him genuinely. He is also seen getting along with Father Time, as the two of them sometimes talk about old things, and task him of maintaining the balance and the natural flow of time, as to avoid any unnecessary changes, space-time distortion, disturbances, and anyone who tried to disrupt or change the flow of time (both in the past, present, future). Yet sometimes he always leaves the task to him.
As well as how he sealed entities like the Outer Gods in a "place" outside of creation known as the Outerverse, along with Azathoth (their creator), with the prisons being so strong that they were unable to free itself without an external factor, for trying to hinder the beginning of creation, reserving them for final Judgment. God is very merciful, yet He will not hesitate to punish (in a reasonable way) those who have earned it when He is push to His limits or if they have gone too far and beyond redemption, such as people who willingly commits sinful, blasphemous, and malicious acts/desires without any remorse to hurt others. He will cast severe, yet just and righteous punishments to sinners, criminals, and wicked people (both mortals & supernatural beings).
Despite all of his natural merciful, benevolent, positive, and compassionate nature, of all things God greatly possesses a strong hate and detest all forms of abhorrently, blasphemous malicious acts or malevolence, and all of forms that embodies evil and most of all the "Sin" itself. As He states that because of it, many (if not all) mortals fails to do His righteous will and plans for them, and it cause great pain, agony, turmoil, traumatic experience, and many others that greatly and negatively affects the lives of the innocents, and it always brings mischief, no unity, divided, lead astray from the love and teachings of God. Also God, similar to that of Khaos, is shown to be deeply despise, hate and disdain towards Azathoth and the Outer Gods, because of their hideous, disgusting, abhorrently appearance and personality, while hating the fact that they even exist at all as they are the embodiment of malevolence itself. However, he has let his angels sometimes get away from killing humans, as he only does it because someone they cares about or anyone who they care and love is either harmed, raped, attacked, etc, has made extremely depressed, emotionally broken, heart broken, emotionally distraught, etc.
According to both Vishnu and Shiva, it is extremely rare and impossible for God to possess negative feelings, yet according to Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer and Azazel, God's divine wrath is describe to be an unspeakable and frighteningly endless force of storm that cannot be calm, once it was unleash. However, as God is a deity of pure love and benevolence, He is unable to destroy anything - not because He cannot, but because it would hurt His Heart - so to execute His punishments, God uses His alter egos to manifest His wrath, for example, Yaldabaoth, whom he used to carry out his great punishments, such as the Great Flood, or order the death of Egypt's firstborn.
There was a time when He had become disappointed in humans, which he created based on a mere whim, the decline in faith becoming apparent when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge after becoming tempted by Nachash, who appeared to them in the guise of a snake. He became further displeased when they had started to fall prey to Ayin's manipulations and corruption, and had lost all hope in them until he caught notice of Enoch, a human who, from day to night, prayed with all of his heart, and followed only the virtues and commandments with extreme vigor. As a result of his tremendous faith, God had been rekindled in his faith for humans, enough so that he invited Enoch to Heaven without needing him to die.
God is not indifferent, but he does not like to interfere with the lives of others and prefers to let others live on their own terms and make their own decisions. God is mostly inactive, but oversees the Megaverse. It is extremely rare for Him to intervene in the affairs of other beings. His ways are also said to be highly mysterious, to the point where not even His angels are capable of understanding His way of operation unless He informs them Himself. It is believed that one could be rendered insane if they attempt to comprehend His motives and methods.
Something that also saddens God a lot are the people who use His name to oppress and take advantage of the weakest, who have no weapon but the faith that everything will work out. Those who take advantage of the faith of others to take money from people who can't even pay the bills is something that makes God not only upset but also angry, because that's not what he wanted when He created His religions. Furthermore, something that often broke God's heart was to see people taking the lives of their fellow men using his name in vain, as happened in the Middle Ages with the death of hundreds and thousands of Protestants at the hands of Catholics who preached "love of Christ". Despite this, God still loves all of his children, including those who do evil using his name, and he always rejoices to see good people doing what is right, however minimal.
God claims that he does not care what His children believe or not, as he has given them free will, and it would be hypocritical of him not to respect the faith of his children. God is pleased with those who respect each other's religions and join hands to help their fellow men. In contrast, those religious fanatics who hate other people because of their belief or disbelief are ironically farther from God than an atheist who sows love and justice.
Verily, neither angels nor demons, neither heaven nor hell, neither light nor darkness, neither life nor death, neither past nor present nor future, neither existence nor non-existence, nor any other things in creation are able to separate humans and all other mortals in the Multiverse and Megaverse from God's love for them that exists through Christ Jesus. Can a mother forget the child she carried in her womb for nine months? Even if she does, God never forgets His children.
He is also all-knowing, where He possesses a supreme and all-powerful mind and intelligence (more superior than his siblings), and knows everything (things, places, worlds, people, etc). Being the one that truly write the Holy Bible, His wisdom transcendence all things, as it allows Him to give wise and rightful advises and judgements to others (both mortals & supernatural beings alike). While also His words, mind, and intelligence are highly shrouded in mystery, unless He said it Himself, people call it "God's way and time". His wits allows to win arguments in a patient and understanding way, capable of outwitting even the most intelligent, cunning, and wisest beings. It is extremely impossible or difficult to know and determine His ways and way of thinking, that not even His faithful followers, siblings, angels, and/or even His Son know of, Jesus stated that only He (the Father) alone knows everything that are difficult to comprehend/know or things that were likely to happen in the future, and it always stay that way and shrouded with mystery. And not even the likes of Lucifer or Satan could tell how God run things, despite their vast intelligence and knowledge, and they stated that their knowledge are nothing but a microscopic in size, compared to God. His Words has always have something, behind that.
He is frequently silent, calm, level-headed, maturely patient, and rarely speaks, but very vocal and talkative when it comes to serious matters (even if it is small or tiny). His moral standards is always seen as prudently fair and impartial for most of the time, and many comes to respect him for that.
God greatly adores selfless sacrifice. He stated that he takes sacrifices into account, so he would intervene directly if a person has made a great and selfless sacrifice, and will directly intervenes to save that person's soul, even from the demons themselves. God is a strict yet merciful adherent to the celestial laws decreed by Him and taught it to the primordial entities, deities, and even to His angels, that the agreements and oaths each gods, angels, and celestial beings made must be followed.
He only gets involved in the affairs of the world when it is necessary or gives them only small indications that they can follow to preserve their free will, God believe that each beings live each of their own life, followed their own path and that they will inevitably make their own mistakes, but repairing them is not His job. He prefers to gives them the choice and guide them, whether they will follow or defy His will. This shows that He is passive yet loving to His children and the whole Creation.
Above all, the God holds only love for all living beings (even demons, nephilims, cambions, yokais, elves, fairies/sprites, dhampirs, and other beings that he directly or indirectly created), especially his creations, the angels and humanity. Even when they have become fallen angels, he loves them all the same, and becomes deeply saddened when their wings turn black. He also felt guilt when he had made Michael cast Lucifer into Hell, becoming directly responsible for the birth of the supreme emperor of Hell. Although he said he saw also does Lucifer as a danger, he always considered him as his child.
He is extremely, noble and caring, and is considered fair. As Gabriel said, God is also extremely kind and full of pure and absolute love, being extremely compassionate towards people, especially orphaned children. God has a strong sense of righteous and moral justice. He will do everything to bring everything that brings virtue and joy together and will remove anything that brings atrocities, while also maintaining the balance of the Universes, Multiverses, and Megaverse. He is the image of a hero that can be admired, everyone describes the Biblical God as a perfect being who perfectly embodies the concepts of "justice", "holy" and "good", representing all the positive aspects of existence. Ouroboros argue that God is naturally able to bring out the best things in all living beings, and He will never hesitate to help or lend them a hand if they wants to. Shiva has repeatedly said that God seems incapable of hate. Being the one who authors the Holy Bible, He is a great adviser and councilor to all people he meets, whether they were mortals or supernatural beings, and gives them a hint of what they have to do, but with a direct and considerate answers, while maintaining their free will.
He is widely known across the Universe (including the Multiverse & Megaverse), for His unwavering and uncompromising mercy, righteousness, benevolence, and compassion to all sentient beings (both mortals & supernatural beings). Many of His peers and siblings (even the likes of Azathoth, The Darkness, and Ayin) greatly revered His merciful benevolence, acts of compassion, and righteous judgements, that many comes to respect His authority and power, and even the gods, primordial/cosmic entities, and even demons greatly acknowledge and revere's Him for it. The Trimurti gods of Hindu Pantheon, countlessly mentions that they greatly respect and acknowledge Him, for His compassion and love for all.
Not only does God justly reward people who are good and have faith in Him, but He is also willing to help individuals who have sinned to make them better people, as long as they are willing to do their part, or as they say, God helps those who help themselves. Some would say that it is unfair for God to sometimes fulfill the requests of certain prayers, since God should not have preferred ones, and that is true, God does not have preferred children, but he has intimidated children.
He is also shown to be extremely understanding, humble, friendly, optimistic, and gentle towards every people He meets, despite His status as an all-powerful omnipotent entity, unlike His siblings (with the exception of Father Time, Life, and Death) who deems themselves as superiors, showing that He is not as arrogant as them, and treats all beings and supernatural beings (even the mortals) as equals. It extended towards the beings that he neither or indirectly created like the cosmic and primordials entities, deities, fairies, elves, and many other supernatural beings. Upon meeting Carl Black, Matt Wright, and Diana Black, God showed himself to be an immensely patient, understanding, and composed individual, being unaffected by Dante's rebellious bluntness, Vergil's cold level-headedness, and John's critical cynism and sarcastic wits, where He calmly and patiently explains to the both of them why He rarely intervenes with the affairs of the mortals and the Creation, wanted them to grow and evolve for the better, while also helping and giving them some indications of what they must and have to do.
At the same time, God was a very modest being, openly stating that change is inevitable and one can only hope to prepare themselves for it. Likewise, he was open and truthful about his personal mistakes and shames as a father and creator. Despite his deified status, he also believed that no one should have more power than any other because he knows that the person will become arrogant and desire even greater power. He is also very much aware of most of his creations' lack of faith in him, but admitted that their lack of faith does not affect him before openly and affectionately saying that while they may lose their faith in him he is hoping that they do not lose faith in themselves. He could create new forms of study including language and culture, able to easily change his speech patterns and dialect to be better understood by people from a different era.
Although many believe that God is against affective relationships between people of the same sex, this is revealed to be false. It is revealed that in reality, God indeed when he creates a human being, he creates they with both physical sexes, in this case their soul, and then splits it into two separate pairs, a male and female aspect, and sends them to Earth, in the same way he did with Adam. The destiny of these two souls is to meet and love each other. However, due to reincarnation, many souls end up reincarnating with varying genders, with some religious groups encouraging people to be bisexual or pansexual, as most likely their soulmate can be born within a body with the same sex as it. Because of this, some males are born more effeminate, and some females are born more masculine than female by common standards. But God has no problem with that, after all, he created humans to love each other, with love not limited to the physical.
Powers and Abilities
“ | And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. | „ |
— Genesis 1:3 The Book of Genesis (The Bible). |
God is commonly attributed to omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, omnibenevolence, and divine simplicity, being the supreme omnipotent entity of divine grace and light who has always existed, exists, and will exist, as well as never existed, does not exist, and will not exist, being the very Is and the Is-Not. Their power and knowledge are superior to angels and aeons and other deities of multiversal and megaversal knowledge.
God is the supreme and unlimited creator of all life in heaven and on earth and under the earth. He was worshiped by ancient and modern humans as a Savior and Creator, much loved by many races, known by many names and titles. Even the Aeons & Angels, seemingly supreme entities that exist as endless infinite beings, utterly transcendent of all concepts of time, space, existence, nonexistence, non-dualism and dualism, are presented as nothing more than fragments or boundlessly microscopic aspects of His unfathomable, unknowable and ineffable self.
Yesh is the only being stronger than Khaos and Azathoth, having a Megaversal category power, being considered a threat even to the megaverse, with God being Azathoth's greatest fear and the only real threat, since that all beings other than Khaos are completely inferior to him in power and strength. However, despite being slightly more powerful, God cannot kill Azathoth and Khaos, nor his sister Ayin or The Darkness, due to the fact that all Pre-Existentials Entities are aspects of each other, this made all other pre-existentials. existential in a sense God Himself, and God cannot destroy Himself.
God despite being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, cannot deny his own existence, that is, he cannot contradict his own nature: as God is perfectly good, He cannot sin and He will never sin. God cannot commit sins the same as other beings, because God is the very "definition" of goodness, light, justice and love, the King David wrote in Psalms 5:4: "For you, O God, have no pleasure in injustice, and evil cannot dwell with you." God and evil are as distinct as a square and a circle - just as a square cannot be a circle and a square at the same time, God cannot be evil and good at the same time, otherwise he would not be God.
God has three specific avatars/aspects through which He manifests Himself in Creation, since God being the embodiment of Existence, Creation, Matter and Light, God is a purely conceptual and archetypal entity, being the will of the universe, so He needs avatars to interact with His angels and humans. The first avatar that God uses is Nebro, commonly known as Elohim or God of the Covenant, which is the avatar that God uses to speak with His angels in Heaven and to carry out their actions, like the Great Flood. The second avatar of God is The Voice, which is the avatar that He uses to speak with His prophets and with other humans, through dreams, revelations and interpreters. The third is the avatar that He used to appear to Moses as a Burning Bush, a Pillar of Fire and Cloud, which is commonly known as the Angel of the Lord, which is the personal presence of God, which the Lord used to speak in the face of face to face with Moses, mouth to mouth.
- God: God is a name, a concept, a word, and an entity. The word God has many different interpretations and conceptions, and there are countless opinions and thoughts about what it means. Yet, even the most philosophical or scientific explanation of what God can and cannot be is still at a level unspeakably far from reality. God is the Creator of the Universe, the Multiverse, and the Megaverse, worshiped and known by all beings of all realities, called by infinite names and limitless titles and nicknames. God is Being, the very act of existing. God is the creator of the universe and at the same time he is one with the universe while at the same time being neither God nor the universe for even God and the universe are illusions to the Supreme Being of the Universe. This might sound contradictory, but it is not, for God is beyond contradiction. God is the cause of everything and anything that exists, has existed, or will exist, as well as everything that does not exist, did not exist, and will not exist, including and excluding Himself. God is He-Who-Was, He-Who-Is, and He-Who-Will-Be, as well as He-Who-Was-Not, Is-Not, and He-Who-Will-Not-Be. How this is possible no one knows, not even God knows. God is the coin with the two sides of Good and Evil.
- Yesh: Yesh is one of the names of God, probably the closest to his real name. The name Yesh has a simple meaning, Is, or Being, which represents the fact that God is not only the author of existence, but is existence itself made manifest, a hyperreality deity more real than anything ever seen or thought. God is the very embodiment of totality, Creation and all that is or will be. God is all there is and there is nothing but God, every atom, every human, every planet, every star, every solar system, every star cluster, every galaxy, every galaxy cluster, every universe, every multiverse and every megaverse, is God Himself manifested, transfigured into various incarnations of himself. No wonder, for Gnostics like Virgo Durand Leroy, it is not crazy to use the phrase "I am God", or as she herself says "I am God, I am not a fragment of His will, because if there were a fragment it would mean that I am separated from God, but there is no way to be separated from God because God is all there is, there is nothing but Him. I am God transfigured in human garments, living and experiencing an earthly life."
- The One True God: There is only one God, and therefore only one true God, and that is Yesh, with all other gods and goddesses in Creation being false deities or infinitesimal aspects of the Creator of All. Verily, all religions and different beliefs, doctrines and faiths are linked to the one true God, the source of all who is one in all and all in one. Obviously, it was not humanity that discovered God, but God who revealed Himself to them through different manifestations and revelations of himself, like Angel of the LORD to the Jews; Jesus Christ for Christians; Brahman for Hindus; to atheists, God often takes on the appearance of someone familiar or someone who makes them feel comfortable in His presence. Yesh is the true God, the creator of the universe, the lord of everything, everyone and anything, unparalleled, indestructible and unbeatable in all aspects.
- The One Above All: The One Above All, or the Above All Others, is one of the many titles of God, and that is how many Aeons call him. Other names and titles for God include The Presence or The Only Giver. God is the sacred and supreme being who exists sovereignly above anything and everything. There is nothing, and no one, more powerful than God in the entire multiverse and megaverse, not even Khaos and Azathoth, as much as they are very powerful, they are still not more powerful than Yesh, who surpasses them in power by "a little". Yesh in addition to having megaversal omnipotence, He also has several techniques and transformations, with some of them making Him immune even to attacks from other omnipotent deities, and to all powers and abilities, with the exception of physical attacks. Yesh in addition to having Megaversal Omnipotence, He also has several techniques and transformations, with some of them making Him immune even to attacks from other omnipotent deities, and to all powers and abilities, with the exception of physical attacks, something that Yesh was also able to turn to His advantage, as because He incarnated as a Human several times, Yesh learned to fight with physical attacks, even being able to throw punches so powerful that He could tear hundreds of megaverses to pieces. God is totally transcendent to everything in Creation, being beyond the concepts of everything and nothing, existence and nothing, and there is no way to reach Him in power, since even in His "Base" form, God already embodies the Absolute Infinite, being infinite^infinite of times above anything and everything in the Megaverse.
- The Existence: Existence is one of the ways of literally calling the All, which is all things, all that is, all that was, and all that will be. God is Existence itself, Creation itself, and the All, existing everywhere, at all times, being in all worlds, in all beings, and at the same time being all of them, and being separate from them. In the beginning, Existence became the Primordial Pre-Eexistential Entity that embodied the attributes/qualities/aspects and elements that embody the concept of Existence, Being and Creation, known as God among humans, the Alpha & the Omega, the beginning and the end of everything. While many are preoccupied with trying to reach God, little do they know that God is themselves, being God Himself incarnated as a human and living a human life with countless other incarnations of Himself, and knowing themselves better, they will also know better God, and God will know them better.
- God's Shards: God has several fragments, manifestations, incarnations and avatars, which should not be understood as literally pieces of God, but rather as mirrors that reflect the divine face of God. Yesh has as many manifestations as there are stars in the universe, infinitely multiplied. Each Manifestation of God has their own personality and self-awareness, with each being able to be totally independent of God, that is, being able to live a full life for millions of years without even having the idea that it is a manifestation of the Creator Himself. God's avatars are a little different from the avatars of other entities, as each God's Avatar personifies one of His many names that have been circulated among mankind for thousands of years.
- Jehovah, the Oldest of the Holy Trinity: Jehovah is the God the Father of the New Testament, the current ruler of the Abrahamic Heaven and the Monotheistic Deity worshiped in Christianity, being known as the God of the Bible or the God of Christianity. Jehovah is one of the most powerful pieces of God, having manifested himself a few times during the Old Testament to deliver humans from the problems caused by Yaldabaoth, the God of the Old Testament and his brother. Jehovah is the Father of Jesus Christ, having created Him from a fragment of himself, just as He was created by Yesh from a fragment. During the year 4 BCE, Jehovah begat his Son Jesus Christ through the Virgin Mary who became pregnant through the Holy Spirit, also another fragment of Jehovah, being the spiritual brother of Jesus Christ. Jehovah the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist as a Trinity.
- Holy Spirit, the Middle of the Holy Trinity: The Holy Spirit is the Divine Spirit of God, being one of the shards of Jehovah and also one of the aspects of the Goddess Barbelo. The Holy Spirit is responsible for giving power to the exorcites to expel demons, being also one of the sources of life, since the Holy Spirit personifies the Divine Spark or the Breath of Life, which was given to living beings when the first Ichthyostega left the water and received lungs from God to receive, breathe and exhale the breath of life. The Holy Spirit dwells within every existing human being, like a fire that warms their hearts and protects them from the cold, while burning away sin and evil. No wonder, the body of humans is called the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ, the Youngest of the Holy Trinity: Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a Man who lived in ancient Galilee from 0 CE to 31 CE, worshiped as the son of the God of Abraham, and performed many miracles and deeds during His lifetime. Jesus is known to be the most important man in human history, as his coming changed the course of history of humanity. Jesus Christ despite being born in the year 4 BCE, it is implied that being an avatar of God, He exists as a timeless being and was already manifesting even before His physical incarnation as the earthly Jesus. Yeshua is the son of Mary of Nazareth and Joseph the Carpenter, his birth having been announced by the archangel Gabriel to Mary and Joseph, who explained that within the womb of young Mary the son of God was to be born. Christ after completing thirty years was preaching His word and the word of His Father Jehovah for 3 years until he was crucified and killed, descending to Hell to take the keys of Hell from Lucifer and Satan, reviving on the third day, freeing the souls that were trapped in the Flaming Abyss. After his resurrection, Jesus Christ is theorized to have ascended to a True God, being a candidate to be a successor of God after his retirement.
- Yaldabaoth and Nebro, the Gods of Old Testament: Yaldabaoth and Nebro, or the LORD and God, are the Gods of the Old Testament, worshiped by the Canaanite Israelites, Yahwists, Elohists, and a few other religious groups. Contrary to popular belief, the Gods of the Old Testament are not the God of the Tanakh or the New Testament. While Jehovah is a welcoming, loving and gentle God, Yaldabaoth is a petty, arrogant, dictator, proud and jealous God, who very difficultly loves any human. Yaldabaoth carries this name YHWH-Elohim because the Yahwists worshiped several gods like Nebro, who was a typical solar God and the creator of the universe, while Yaldabaoth was a typical God of the desert and the storm, which were abandoned by the Jews to worship the "only God". Yaldabaoth was responsible for countless miracles and deeds throughout the Old Testament, such as sending the Ten Great Plagues on Egypt, tearing down the great walls of Jericho, stopping the Earth from rotating for Joshua and his army to destroy their enemies, among several other miracles that resulted in much killing and bloodshed, including innocent people who had nothing to do with the dispute of the Hebrews to recover their lands.
- Sabaoth: Sabaoth is the god of wars and battles. He was sent by Yaldabaoth to fight in the wars of the Israelites, defeating the gods who were on the side of the enemies and preventing them from interfering in the battle. Sabaoth was responsible for defeating Goliath through David, having also been responsible for defeating the Philistine army with lightning, helping Joshua during the battle against the Anakims. He is the God of hosts, armies and battles, who marches through the heavens with angelic hosts to make war.
- Abraxas: Abraxas is the Almighty God, the one who appeared to Abraham with Gabriel and Raphael and made an alliance with him, announcing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Not all of God's shards are powerful enough to withstand the passing of the ages, and Abraxas eventually returned to his Father during the early Christian era.
- Ancient of Days: The Ancient of Days was an entity that appeared to Daniel in a vision he had in the city of Babylon. The Ancient of Days inspired the works of William Blake. Currently, the Ancient of Days is extremely old, needing a wheelchair to get around, always being carried by an angel.
- Yaldabaoth: Yaldabaoth, also called Samael and Saklas, is the God of Gnosticism who personifies evil and ignorance. Unlike the other avatars of God, Yaldabaoth was not created directly by Him, but was born from Sophia, one of Barbelo's emanations, having become the Shadow of Yesh when he plunged into the chaotic waters of chaos after being expelled from the Pleroma by their mom. Their evil, chaotic, dictator and ignorant personality made many Gnostics believe that perhaps Yaldabaoth had some connection with God of the Tanakh, or even that they were the same person. However, unlike God, who is at worst chaotic neutral, Yaldabaoth is pure evil, with no goodness in their heart. They are the alter ego of God who personifies evil itself.
- Love: Love is the first truth, an entity and at the same time an all-encompassing infinite concept that is immortal or indestructible by anything or anyone. Love is the force that moves beings with a good heart, it is what controls the universe and governs the laws of Creation, being in everything and everyone, positively or negatively. Love is the source of all things, including good and evil, being greater, more powerful and infinite than any Primordial Pre-existential Entity, being primarily within the heart of God. Love is a force greater than God himself, because even after seeing all the sins caused by humanity, God knew that it was right for him to punish humans, and no one would judge him for that because they knew that humanity deserved it, but even so, God was unable to destroy humans, as he loved them too much to do so, a love that was shared by Jesus Christ, the beloved of God, who as the embodiment of God's love, chose to lay down his life and receive divine punishment in the place of humanity. Since love is a very ancient and omnipresent archetype, there are different types of love.
- Conditional Love: Conditional and partial Love is the love of a person who is totally dependent on the actions of another person towards them. Although it often does not seem to match the concept of love, this is a very common type of love between human beings and other living beings. Conditional love is loving fully with the soul, but with the inability to show that love due to lack of conditions or prohibitions. It is quite common for Earth people to only be able to love a person if he/she/they offers something in return.
- Unconditional Love: Unconditional love means full, complete, absolute love, which does not impose conditions or limits to love. Those who love unconditionally expect nothing in return. Love comes first. Unconditional love is generous, selfless and infinite. Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love.
- Polyamory: Polyamory is based on a loving relationship between more than two people. We can define polyamory as being the possibility of having an affective and sexual relationship with more than one person at the same time with the consent of everyone in the relationship. Although Polyamory is seen as something quite unbiblical, in the old days, God clearly allowed a man to have more than one wife. Jesus also didn't seem to care that the Samaritan woman had more than one husband, having only used this to show her that he was the Messiah.
- Possessive Love: Possessive love is a feeling that means having a desire to possess someone or something, and when we associate possessiveness with relationships, another very common feeling arises to “join forces” and make the climate even more challenging, jealousy. During the Old Testament, God demonstrated this kind of feeling several times, acting and being compared to a jealous husband who saw his wife as his possession, often saying that he was jealous of Jerusalem when the Hebrews worshiped other gods than Him.
- Forbiden Love: Forbidden love is a love that cannot be allowed because something or someone prevents people from loving each other, or rather from being able to be together, like a man being in love with a woman, but not being able to stay with her because they are of different religions or because she was already in a relationship.
- Platonic Love: Platonic love is any kind of idealized affectionate relationship in which there is no love relationship, for different reasons, as in a case of friendship between two people in which at least one wants another type of relationship. Platonic love is generally associated with the idea of an unattainable, impossible love. Platonic love is defined as a unilateral feeling present in a relationship, Love one of the parties loves, and the other does not correspond.
- Fatherly love: Paternal love is the love of a father or stepfather for his child or his adopted child. The fathers's relationship with the child directly or indirectly affects the child's development. Many studies have recently shown that paternal love can make children less insecure and anxious and prevent children from becoming hostile or aggressive.
- Motherly Love: Maternal love is the relationship between a mother and her child. While normally associated with pregnancy and childbirth, a maternal bond can also develop in cases where the child is unrelated, such as an adoption. Both physical and emotional factors influence the mother-child bonding process. A mother's love is often related to unconditional love and true love. Many mothers love their children unconditionally, preferring to die, giving their lives so that their children may live.
- Brotherly Love: The love of a sibling for another sibling, something that to the surprise of many, was something that was missing from the first brothers to exist, Cain and Abel. Brotherly love is a very strong feeling of affection, dedication, interest in the figure of the other, generating positive and constructive feelings, and may even, at certain times, lead the individual to make great sacrifices, which they would only be able to do for themselves.
- True Love: True Love, also called unconditional Love, is the purest, most powerful love and, as the name says, the truest love that exists. True love is unconditional, and is directly linked to God, as God is one of the only beings that has unconditional love for absolutely everything, for every angel, demon, nephilim, every human, animal or extraterrestrial, with even the smallest of all microbes having a unique space reserved for their vast and infinite heart. The love of God is so powerful and infinite that it is asserted that neither Life nor Death, nor height nor depth, nor Time and Space, nor Order and Chaos, nor Existence and Non-existence, nor anything that was, is, or will be, as well as anything that was not, is not, and will not be, will be able to separate anyone from the love of God. Among humans, unconditional love is often difficult to find, but it is not impossible.
- Light: Light is one of the main aspects of God's essence. It was through his divine light that God gave rise to the cosmos as we know it, disintegrating the Darkness and shattering the primeval void, bringing Creation to its birth. That same Light was also used by God to create the Angels, divine and pure beings that are made of photons. The Light of God encompasses all of infinity, being present everywhere, at all times, penetrating even the furthest and darkest places in Creation, warming and illuminating even those in the most distant parts of the universe. God Himself is an infinite and omnipresent light that permeates all levels of Creation. God is everywhere, even within the hearts of living beings, with His light warming their souls and bringing energy and strength to them. There is nothing too small for the light of God not to touch, and nothing too big for the light of the Creator not to encompass.
- Fire: The Fire that emanates from God is a partial manifestation of his body in the three-dimensional universe, being capable of destroying any object at the atomic level, completely erasing the body and mind of any creature from the physical space of the universe, if God himself does not. suppresses it. God himself is a Consuming Fire as told by Moses. However, Moses used the term Consuming Fire because at the time nuclear warheads had not yet been invented, because that is what God is, His true form is that of a super-massive explosion that if it entered our universe, would completely destroy it, burning every atom in existence in a matter of seconds.
- The Will of God: The God's will is the power of Yesh that allows Him to have arbitrary authority over the entire multiverse and megaverse, as well as all beings that fall within his script, including the Pre-existentials themselves. With this power, God can transcend all beings through his will, no matter how many times his enemy is stronger than Him, Yesh will always be able to overcome his opponent and transcend him, reaching even higher levels of power while that person is within his script. However, God's authority over existing beings has limitations, for example, He cannot fully control a being who is also omnipotent, being able to refute his arbitrary orders, managing to resist his orders, even being able to reverse the situation and uses this Same technique against God.
- High-Dimensional Existence: God is a Pandimensional Deity who contains all dimensions of the universe and multiverse within his body, while infinitely transcending all dimensions, existing as a transgeometric entity, devoid of concepts such as space and time. The Megaverse as we know it is formed mainly by ten dimensions, three spatial, one temporal and six hyperdimensions. Yet, it is revealed that there are many other spatial and temporal dimensions, representing different hierarchies and layers of reality, as seen by Jacob when he saw the Ladder that led to Heaven, where he saw the angels going up and down the ladder, representing divine beings constantly ascending and descending through the dimensional levels of universe. The number of dimensions in all is infinite, contained by Adam Kadmon, an infinite-dimensional structure that contains all geometric and mathematical dimensions. God encompasses-all higher dimensions, while also transcending them all.
- God's Cosmos: God's Cosmos refers to more than just the major Abrahamic realms such as Heaven and Hell, but rather to all realms created by the Creator Gods Yesh and Barbelo and their emanations such as the Pleroma, the Bet Universe, the Chaoverse, the Grimel Universe and Sheol, among many others. The term Abrahamic refers to Abraham, used to refer to religions that specifically worship the God of Abraham, who worshiped around 900 BCE with Judaism, and later had a variant called Christianity which was founded in 33 CE, followed by Islam, founded in 610 CE. Therefore, God's Cosmos is the portion of the Megaverse that belongs to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Yesh.
- Heaven: The first primordial realm to be created by Yesh. Also known as the Biblical Heaven. It is a multilevel realm different from Hell, consisting of Seven Heavens which are Seven Dimensional Layers, making Heaven a small multiverse of seven universes. Heaven is where all believers and worshipers of God go after death. Unique among the afterlife realms residing in the layer of Yetzirah, Heaven does not appear to have originated from the realm of Yetzirah.
- Hell: Hell is a realm created by the Goddess of Evil, Ayin, the antithesis of God. Despite being created by Ayin, the Creator has certain authority over Hell since Ayin is imprisoned by Yesh in Hell, Hell being also an extension of Ayin herself, this makes God have a certain limited power and authority in Hell. Hell is the place where evil souls go after their death, and is also the home of demons and fallen angels.
- Purgatory: The spiritual realm between Yetzirah and Assiah, and is often considered the sibling realm of Hell and Heaven. This is the realm of the afterlife where souls go because they have no definite destination, being the afterlife of those who go neither to Heaven nor Hell. After their banishment from Heaven, the Fallen Angels who didn't wish to become Archdemons decided to live in this place.
- Pleroma: The Pleroma, also called the Gnostic Heaven, is a higher realm than Heaven itself, where the Aeons and the Buddhas dwell, the humans who ascended to a higher level than a Saint, but without surrendering to the Hindu God Parabrahman, and they remained worshiping the God of the Bible. This place that is not a place was created by Barbelo, the wife of God, being in a sense an emanation of her, where the One, the Monad and Bythos exist as a single and singular God, with no barriers or distances between them. The Pleroma is a realm that God also has equal authority in Heaven, as all Aeons see Yesh as their divine and only Creator.
- Primordial Cosmology of Creation: Creation is an infinite layered wholeness containing continuities that contain infinite multiverses that contain infinite universes, as well as higher dimensions that exist infinitely transcending each other, with an unlimited and endless number of infinitely transcending dimensional layers. Creation is infinitely stratified containing an infinite number of higher dimensions, however these dimensions fall into ten levels/subgradients.
- Boundless State: The Boundless state is the Creator's state of power where He embodies the Absolute Infinite itself, that is, all transfinite numbers, in Himself, being an almighty, peerless being, and free from all restrictions and limitations. The Boundless state rids Yesh of all concepts and archetypals, existing unfathomably beyond anything in the multiverse and megaverse, having a power that transcends geometric dimensions, as well as existence and non-existence, mathematics, all philosophies, and scientific theories in existence, becoming a perfect and unique being who exists as a God of pure power. Out of fear of other beings who also have access to this form of power, Yesh training his powers was able to dominate the Absolute Infinite, absorbing it into his standard form, and even in human form he could have a destructive power to rival Khaos, allowing his true form grew immeasurably stronger. Yesh intends to use these powers to be able to fight against Therion or Azathoth in the future. Yet, for God not to destroy all Creation with his monstrous and colossal power, He sealed his immeasurable power through his avatars and fragments, reducing his infinite power to 1%, that is, God cannot use more than 1% of his true power in his base state. In a nutshell, God hasn't used even 2% of his real power since the Dawn of Creation.
- Megaversal Omnipotence: Megaversal Omnipotence is a title for beings who are capable of infinite power over one or more entire megaverses, that is, being able to create or destroy an infinite number of infinite multiverses with infinite universes. God is the original creator of the Megaverse, having created thousands, millions and billions, probably infinites of multiverses with a small infinitesimal fraction of his power, being also seen as a possible threat to all Creation if He decided to put an end to Creation. Being the most powerful Deity in all of existence and non-existence, God boasts an infinite amount of powers and abilities, surpassing in an infinite number of infinite layers his angels and aeons, as well as the primordials, who are potentially a threat to the megaverse. However, it is worth remembering that since the dawn of Creation, after the primordial wars, no one forced God to use more than 1% of his power, not even when He had to face the Trihexa and the Divus to seal them at the end of the world, meaning that God's power at 2% or 5% can be immeasurably above anything imaginable, with the angels stating that if God used 100% of his true power not even the most powerful Primordial could comprehend or understand such magnitude of immeasurable power. It wouldn't be crazy to think that God will probably eventually achieve a category power beyond the megaversal category.
- Absolute transcendence: God is absolutely and infinitely above everything, everyone and anything, thinkable and unthinkable, describable or indescribable, fathomable or unfathomable, true or false, pure or profane, holy or unholy, logical or contradictory. God simply Is and always will be above all else. He cannot be improved nor can He become something, for He is absolute reality, there being no reality prior to Him. Everything that is not God depends completely on God, this includes all dimensions, all universes, multiverses and megaverses, from the smallest atom to the most gigantic of galaxies. He is absolute and supreme over all, being infinitely above life, death, creation, destruction, good, evil, light, darkness, existence, non-existence, fictitious, non-fictitious, truehood, falsehood, dualism and non-dualism, geometric dimensions, transgeometric dimensions, contradiction, concepts and archetypes, and cannot be defined by anyone or anything except Himself.
- Invincibility: God is unbeatable, invincible and insuperable. Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the eternal God, the Creator of all the earth and everything in the multiverse. God does not get tired or exhausted; his wisdom is unfathomable. He strengthens the weary and gives strength to the weak. Even young people get tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They fly high like eagles; run and not be weary, walk and not be weary.
- The Creator: This ability allows God to arbitrarily manipulate all aspects, elements, and concepts of the multiverse and megaverse, placing worlds in a closed time loop at will, or vice versa, removing them from it. He can create or annul life at will, endow various creatures with his own powers, change or completely destroy existing realities, controlling them as he sees fit.
- Angels: Angels are powerful entities whose physical bodies consist of photons, created by God and being his messengers in the material world. They unconditionally obey His will, if necessary they are able to unite, creating a vessel for Him in the world of men, such as Merkabah. Each of the angels has a portion of His power and is capable of destroying the Multiverse without visible effort of the first order. Angels do not have a clear gender identity or body state familiar to people, being essentially pure transcendental energy, representing radiant humanoid beings with many wings on their bodies (the strongest Angels, such as Lucifer and Michael, are able to create their own multiverses).
- Fallen Angels: Fallen Angels are divine beings who have fallen and become angels of darkness, but not enough to become demons. Fallen Angels are known to be the source of evil, not because they personify it, but because they brought sin and evil into the world.
- Demons: Demons are a race that originally lived on Earth billions of years ago and were created by Ayin. Supposedly, the reason why God allowed his angels to become Demons was for personal reasons to test their powers in the physical world. They have supernatural nature and abilities, but are unable to manifest in the Realm of Man due to God's restrictions, and are therefore forced to incarnate in the bodies of living people.
- Giants: The Giants, also called Nephilim or Titans, are a race originally born of the union of an angel and a human, in an era before the Flood and before the universe was organized to its present laws, when its laws were not established to be primarily governed by mathematics and science, and are one of the most powerful creatures to have inhabited Earth. In the end, they rebelled against God, but lost the battle and, as punishment, were forever imprisoned in the lower levels of Hell, where they remain to this day, awaiting the awakening of the demon lord, Satan.
- 1%: Pre-Existential Entities are not able to use more than 1% of their power in the Multiverse and Megaverse, not because Creation limits them (that too), but because if they use more than 1% of their real power, Creation can simply collapse. To keep Pre-existentials from causing trouble, God forbade any Pre-existential Entity to use more than 1% of their power. God obviously also follows this rule. Yet, as God in his current state of power is immeasurably more powerful than He was before Creation, his indescribable power is even more threatening to the megaverse than other Pre-existentials, forcing God to use -1% of His power. The Darkness, Ouroboros and Vitriol, being the weakest Pre-Existentials, are able to use more than 1% without causing severe damage in the Megaverse, but the latter two still followed God's order to avoid conflict.
- The Author: An Author is a title that a creator holds for being the origin of something. There are many authors, who are not really scriptwriters or writers, but they are the original creators, the ones who started the work and are the ultimate authority on their work, having more authority than the writers themselves who help them. God is an author, but not just an author, but the author of everything. He is the author, screenwriter and writer of the world, existing outside of all Creation, writing the history of the world through His Word on the Blank Sheet. He sees the past, present and future at the same time, for time itself is merely a fiction for Him, for everything that exists is for God a fantasy of His own unfathomable mind, the fruit of His boundless consciousness, with each manifestation of God in Creation being equivalent to an author inserting himself into fiction. As Maria Durand Leroy says, everything is a metaphor, a fiction for God. The only thing that is not fiction to God is God Himself.
- The Writer: A Writer is a person who writes, someone who, through an instrument, writes a narrative or a story. God is the Writer of Writers, for it is He who inspires the authors and writers of the Megaverse. The Universe is like a narrative, and within the Universe humans create their own narratives through their stories, giving rise to creatures of their subconscious like Zalgo or Gorefield, creatures that were born in a fictional narrative but left for real life. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the Universe is a mere cell of an even larger structure that is the Multiverse, which is also a cell among several other cells that are other multiverses, with this cell also being a cell of another even bigger cell that is the megaverse, with the megaverse itself being for God a story, a narrative written by Him. The Overvoid is God's Blank Sheet, the Logos is His pen, and He is the Writer.
- Conceptual Existence: God is a conceptual deity, personifying the concept of God. He is existence, reality and creation itself, personified and incarnated as a supreme being known as Yesh. God is the will of the Universe, and the Word that brought all that did not exist into existence. God is apparently aware that He embodies the concept of the Abrahamic God as well as other philosophies and beliefs, with their origin due to the fact of the human mind, with Him always existing as long as humanity of the Real Universe still believes in Him and His existence. God will continue to exist through different manifestations and interpretations of Him throughout the Omniverse as long as mankind believes in Him and continues to write, speak and think about Him.
Before All
In the beginning, there was an absolute nothingness, an endless void lacking any amount of form or matter. Then, all of a sudden, the uncreated universe said the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
God existed alongside the other Pre-existential, who were originally uncaring about each other, they started to create their own things without the influence of the others. This changed when God decided to fulfill his purpose began Creation which brought about the anger of the other beings and began a terrible war that lasted for countless eons. With them having their own creations to fight with them. This battle ended when God had finally defeated both Khaos and Azathoth and sealed them away. God's creations during the war, the Arcuthas, had to be locked away due to Therion corrupting them. After this, God finally took this chance to finally start on the creation of the Megaverse.
First Creations
God then felt lonely so he created his first angel named Empra, they lived together as he started to create Heaven. Unlike the others, Empra was created far differently than other angels as shown with him only have a one pair of golden angel wings and his inability to get any stronger. With this and Empra similarities to Calur, God was distant with Empra, only using him as a soldier. Many years later, Empra then asked God to create two new siblings for them which he complied and created Helel and Michael which both had started to raise. While Empra was with them, only God had raised to the angels and was the one who gave these two the title of Archangel. Many years later, both had asked God to create new siblings for them which he complied and created Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel which both had raised. During this time, Empra became more distant from God and his younger siblings to being mostly ignored by both.
Spreading of Gods
“ | When Elyon divided the nations, he fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the gods; YHWH's own portion was his people, Jacob his allotted share. | „ |
— Deuteronomy 32:8-9. |
After the sky god Dyēus was demoted from his throne by his many children, the gods became very interested in the worship of humans. They gathered that they could gain something from humans, and so they decided to become figures of veneration who basically lived among them. The problem started when the deities had a disagreement on who should be worshiped by who. They violently argued over the veneration of humans, not allowing any time for any amount of harmony.
Eventually God had to step in, He forced them to stop fighting in order for them to sort out their differences. He learned that this all started because they couldn't decide on who should be worshiped where, and so God decided that He would take on this responsibility. He designated each god and their families to a different part of the globe. To Zeus and the Dodekatheon He gave Greece, to Ra and Nun He gave Egypt, and to Huītzilōpōchtli and the Four Tezcatlipocas He gave various parts of Mesoamerica.
For the longest time, this worked out among the gods. They rarely interfered with each other, and let their own problems be internal unless specifically asked. This wouldn't last forever though.
A New Species
While God usually took a more backseat approach when it came to his creations, He became fascinated with this new species of primates called humans. God wanted to replicate these new creatures, and so he created some of his own within his image. When God created Adam, He commanded all the Angels, Aeons, and beasts to bow down, however, Lucifer refused out of his pride. Lucifer, aided by his daughter Sin, then took one-third of the Heavenly host to revolt against God and thus a civil war in Heaven broke out; however, Lucifer was defeated and hurled to Earth and then to Hell by Michael, falling from grace alongside those who rebelled alongside him. Later on, Satan (whom was secretly ordered by God to control Hell) rebelled against God and fell in Hell after Lucifer.
After the fall of mankind, the angels from heaven descended to Earth to reproduce with humans. They corrupted humanity and led them to the path of evil, everything got worse when Ayin also influenced human beings, making them act more like animals moved by instinct than by love and justice. God then appeared to a man named Noah and warned Him that His avatar, Yaldabaoth, was going to send a flood to cleanse the Earth. After Noah built the ark, God sent a couple of each kind of animal into the ark and when Noah and his family entered too, Yaldabaoth opened the floodgates of the firmament making the waters cover the planet. With the planet cleansed of evil, life can start again on Earth. Once the flood ended, God went back to his backseat approach, and decided to leave creation to His avatars, mainly Nebro, Yaldabaoth, Abraxas, the Angel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, and the Holy Spirit.
After the Messiah's ascension to Heaven, God and His divine army began to prepare for the great war that would take place at the end of time, the final battle of good against evil, the Armageddon.
Back on Earth
After more than four thousand years after God's disappearance, He finally returns to the scene during the events involving His sister, the Darkness, who intended to destroy all creation. God, now known as Chuck, manages to convince Heaven, Hell and the Revelation Rangers to join forces, and all cooperate with Him to end the Great Darkness. The battle ends with God and The Darkness making peace and then once again God leaves Earth, along with His sister.
Further Events
God is destined to appear during the Final Conflict, the aptly named final conflict within all of creation to finally put an end to all of existence.
Myths and Legends
The archetype of God is a concept that has always been present in humanity, since human beings began to create their first civilizations, gods were already worshiped, beings above human beings who were responsible for the creation of the universe and humanity itself. Since then, mankind has had different views and opinions about God or about his existence. For example, the three great Abrahamic religions have a vision of a Monotheistic God, a creator God who is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient and who exists as a separate spirit from Creation as well as being All-loving.
However, even these three religions have different views about God, Christianity considers that God is a Trinity and exists eternally as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. While Judaism and Islam are against such a claim, believing that God is One and not Triune. In addition to these three religions, there are others that also have a different view of God, such as Gnosticism, which is very different from other Abrahamic religions, considering the Old Testament God and New Testament God being different Gods, with the God of Abraham being a Demiurge and the source of evil and darkness, while the God who is the Father of Jesus Christ is an impersonal being and the source of love and light.
Among several other religions, there are also different views and opinions about the being of God, such as pantheism that considers God to be the universe itself. The deism that holds that God created the universe and left the gears of the universe running and left his creation to be guided by the laws that He created. Unitarianism considers that God is not triune and that God the Father, Son and Spirit are actually the same God appearing in different ways.
However, it is remarkable that there is some truth behind all the different religions and conceptions about God, with probably all religions trying to point out to humanity a truth that is difficult for them to understand. This view of God is known as Omnitheism. One day humanity will finally know the truth behind all religions and all creation, until that day comes, we will continue to worship an Unknown God, as Yeshua says for the samaritan woman: "Ye worship that which ye know not." - John 4:22.
In Christianity, God is the Omnipotent Creator of the universe, as well as His eternal, self-existent sustainer. Unlike other Abrahamic religions, in Christianity, God is a Trinity, existing eternally as God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Although there are different interpretations of the Holy Trinity, the most primitive and most believed and defended concept to date is that the three persons of the Trinity are and always will be God, and they are not three different gods, but a single God who appears in three deities. Despite this, God is also not 1/3 Father, 1/3 Son, and 1/3 Holy Spirit, with each facet being a third of God, but rather all three persons of the Trinity are 100% God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, equally eternal and infinite.
In Judaism, God is One, and He is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. In Kabbalah, God is conceived through the Tree of Life, which are the emanations of God that range from Keter, the most primordial and abstract state of the universe, being the first Emanation of the Creator, to Malkuth, the last and smallest emanation of God, which is the physical and material realm where human beings live, where all matter and life as we know it are found. In addition to Keter, there is the Trinity of God states that transcend the "Being", which is Ein Sof Ohr which came from Ein Sof, which came from Ein, with the latter being and representing literally the "nothingness", the absolute nonexistence. And beyond and more external than Ein, there is (or does not there) the Atzmus, which is the core of the Divine essence itself, being the Absolute Essence of God, not being able to be referred or mentioned in any way or by anything, completely unrepresentable by anything but the absence of information itself, without any binary digits whatsoever, and being unable to be spoken of or referred to in any manner.
In Islam, Allah (literally The God) is believed to be the creator and supreme deity of Creation. Allah is One and Absolute, but unlike Christianity, Allah is impersonal, unlike a personal God as shown in Christianity, existing separate and distant from His creation in a sense. In addition, Islam has also adopted negative theology, also called apophatic theology, which is trying to understand God through negative rather than positive aspects. In Islam, Allah is the source of Being and Non-Being, He is Existence and Non-Existence, the two sides of the coin of Good and Evil, the source of everything and everyone, including and excluding Himself, having no offspring, being One and Absolute, with Muslims rejecting both the divinity of Christ, and Jesus being the Son of God and the Divine Trinity.
Baháʼí Faith
The Baháʼí Faith, like other Abrahamic religions, is Monotheistic, but with some differences. Baháʼí Faith faith believes that God is One, not being a Trinity, being personal, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, uncreated, imperishable and unknowable, with all of His appearances in the Bible being through His Manifestations or aspects, as the Maiden of Heaven, who manifested as the Burning Bush, the Holy Spirit, the Archangel Gabriel, the Holy Dove, and also as Atash, the burning and unburned fire, considered the visible presence of Ahura Mazda. The Baháʼí Faith also believes in a similar concept to Omnitheism, holding that all religions (or at least those mentioned by practitioners) are pointing to the one and only God, this includes Hinduism, Yahwism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Bábism, and the Baháʼí Faith. To reveal himself, God would have through his manifestations guided humanity towards a way of knowing him, with these manifestations being Adam, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammed, Báb and finally, `Abdu'l-Bahá.
Gnosticism is a religion that was born along with Christianity, having been inspired by philosophers like Plato, who argued that the world was divided into two spheres, the physical and the perfect. Gnosticism was also influenced by Marcionism, whose founder was Marcion of Sinope, who held that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament were different deities, with human beings being totally imperfect and corrupt, with their salvation through Jesus Christ being by the pure grace and mercy of God the Father. Gnosticism inherited this belief, but with the difference that for the Gnostics only physical humans (their bodies) are inherently evil, while spiritual humans (their souls) are inherently good, with the soul (also called the Divine Spark) having been issued by the higher power known as Bythos or The One.
The most primitive and well-known Gnosticism is based on the interpretation that the Old Testament God, Yahweh, is a Demiurge, also known by three other names, Yaldabaoth, Saklas and Samael. For being a Demiurge, Yaldabaoth was seen as an antagonistic, diabolical figure and the source of darkness, sin and evil, having been emanated by Sophia, born as a flaw in the essence of the Divine. Nag Hammadi presents Yahweh perfectly as the opposite of everything he has always claimed to be. Well, except a jealous and violent dictator. The true God, who is the Unknown Parent who exists beyond the Father, Mother and Son and other Aeons, is the Bythos, unknowable and wholly perfect and incorruptible, impersonal and the source of all that is right and good. The Gnostics also believed in the concept of emanation (known in Gnosticism as Aeons), with the first being in existence being the One, which is Monad, the Father of Jesus Christ. From Bythos, Barbelo emanated, and from Barbelo the Autogenes, which is Christ, emanated. The three together are the Trinity of Christianity, or by the Gnostic interpretation of it, Father, Mother and Son.
The last emanation of God was Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom, who emanated to Yaldabaoth without her consort, and Yaldabaoth was seen as a blind and ignorant God, having said that he was God and there was none other than him, ignorant of the powers above him and the place where he came from. Although in the Bible Yaldabaoth, the God of Sinai, is placed as the creator of the universe and everything in earthly sphere, he is not behind the creation of humanity. Instead, Yaldabaoth is responsible for creating Adam's physical body, with the man's soul having come from Bythos or Sophia. It is revealed that the Archons, the servants of Yaldabaoth, were jealous of Adam because he was more glorious, powerful and wiser than them, and for that, they placed him in the Garden of Eden, and Jesus would have appeared to Adam and Zoe (Eve) in the form of a serpent and taught them gnosis, that is, given them knowledge.
Non-theistic views of God do not necessarily mean the denial of God, but it is also unrelated to the traditional view of God as presented in the Bible. Of the non-theistic views, the most prevalent of these in the 21st century is Atheism, which is the absence of belief in the God of the Bible or any other deity.
The level of atheism can also vary, from a person who just doesn't think it makes sense for a supreme God to exist, to a person who is totally absurdist or nihilist, believing that the universe has no logic or any unstable rules and is totally random in its events; We are in a piece of dust in space, which orbits an ordinary star, which is in any galaxy, without any meaning or motive behind it all, just because coincidental events led to the present day where we are. In this view, life has no meaning, but people themselves give meaning to their lives.
Another non-theistic view is agnosticism. In Agnosticism, the existence of God is unknown, that is, an agnostic cannot affirm if yes God exists, or if not, God does not exist. An Agnostic is unsure about the existence of God. Some agnostics may even say that yes, they believe that God exists, but not that he is specifically the Biblical God or any other religion. Some agnostics believe in a science-based God, something like an unknown, unknowable universal mind. Some would simply say that God is the amalgamation of all the laws of normal and quantum physics, with some agnostics could easily be interpreted as Pantheists.
The difference between a theist, an atheist and an agnostic is that if someone were to ask if God exists, the theist would say "yes", the atheist "no", and the agnostic would say "maybe".
Problem of Evil
The Problem of Evil refers to the contradiction (or apparent contradiction) between the existence of an all-powerful and loving God and the existence of suffering and evil in the human realm. Since God can do anything and is all good, He could have created a universe without the existence of evil. If He could have created a good universe, and He didn't, then maybe He isn't good, and if He couldn't, then maybe He isn't all-powerful. In order to solve this, some visions and thoughts were brought:
- God does not exist: Simply this. God does not exist, so He did not create a good or evil universe, just as He did not create anything at all. No wonder, this is an argument often used by atheists to defend why they don't believe in the existence of God, or at least an all-loving God.
- Free will: One of the most accepted explanations among Christians to solve the problem of evil is this: God created a good and perfect universe, without the existence of evil. However, as God did not want to create robots that only followed what He said, He gave humanity the ability to choose, portrayed in Genesis as choosing between the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This isn't the best explanation however, as an all powerful entity could still make a world without evil while still keeping free will in its subjects.
- Mysterious ways: One of the most commonly used, it's a quick and easy way to explain why He isn't stopping evil in its track. While it's easy, it also isn't a good argument against the Problem of Evil. Just saying that someone "works in mysterious ways" doesn't help the fact that it either isn't working despite His omnipotence or He isn't trying hard enough despite His omnibenevolence.
- Evil is the absence of God: Another argument, that any amount of evil is just where God isn't. This doesn't make sense by the fact that this God is supposed to be omnipresent, and that an omnipotent entity could easily spread Himself in those areas.
- Making it up in Heaven: Some theists argue that God will make up for every amount of suffering someone has felt when they're up in Heaven. This still allows him to be benevolent in some fashion, however it stops working when looked at closely. It still doesn't explain why He doesn't stop the evil NOW instead of just giving them a severance package while in Heaven.
- Warning: Another argument against the problem of evil is that evil is just an omen of what they will experience in Hell if they fall off the right path. Putting aside the point that an omnibenevolent deity wouldn't force someone to suffer for all of eternity for finite sins, the fact that He can't or won't give a clear warning but instead will slightly hint at it. There is also the fact that practitioners of the Abrahamic faiths still suffer despite their piety.
- Satan: All of evil was created by Satan or a similarly evil and powerful entity. While this works in Zoroastrianism, as both the pure good and pure evil entities are similar strength, it doesn't work in the Christian context. The Christian God is supposed to be all powerful, above everything else in terms of strength, why wouldn't He just stop Satan from doing it.
- Part of a Plan: All evil in the world is part of God's master plan, and in the end, the reasons for all evil will be revealed. Though this doesn't solve the problem of evil, it just says that we can't understand God so we should stop questioning.
Despite every argument by theists, the problem still stands, "why won't He help us?" There is no getting around that question, either this God isn't omnipotent or He isn't omnibenevolent.
Names of God
As a deity who worship was forced upon entire countries, there have been various names used to describe this deity in different cultures. Some of these names are Yesh, Elohim, Yahweh, Zakarum, Anu, YHVH, Jehovah, Tetragrammaton, El, YHWH, Christ, Yaldabaoth, God of the Bible, Allah, El Shaddai Elyon, Shalom, Chief of Heaven and Shekhinah. These titles are The Holy Father, The Father, The One True God, The Creator, The Lord, The Master of Order and Light, The Creator of Mankind, The Heavenly Father, The Light, The God of the Covenant, The Ancient of Days, The Lord of Hosts, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, the Ruler of the Heavens, The Heart of All Light and The Almighty.
In other religions (in this case, the non-Abrahamic), God is known by several other titles and pseudonyms such as Brahman, Yamandú, Shangdi, Bondyé, and Fimbultyr, among many other names. It is believed that God must have thousands or even millions of names and titles scattered throughout Creation. However, due to the infinite nature of the Multiverse & Megaverse, God probably has an endless amount of names and titles, in different languages, but in the end, all these nicknames end up all being pale shadows of the true name of the One, which no one knows, if not himself. God is One, and His Name is One.
- Jehovah - Term used in Mormonism as the Son
- YHWH - The Tetragrammaton
- Yahweh - Term used in Judaism
- El - The Digrammaton
- Elohim - Term used in Mormonism as the Father
- Allah - Term used in Islam and by Arabic Christians
- The Father - Term used only Christianity in accordance to the Trinity
- He - The Monogrammaton
- H - The Atomic Letter
- The Light
- Lord
- Our Father in Heaven
- The Alpha and Omega
- Chuck Shurley - Human name
- Golden Creator
- The Lord in Heaven
- Creator of Mankind
- Juan - Because "God is Juan and His Name is Juan"
Shem HaMephorash
The Shem HaMephorash (Hebrew: שם המפורש, alternatively Shem ha-Mephorash or Schemhamphoras), meaning "the explicit name," is an originally Tannaitic term describing a hidden name of God in Kabbalah, and in some more mainstream Jewish discourses. It is composed of either 4, 12, 22, 42, or 72 letters (or triads of letters), the latter version being the most common. Kabbalist legends state that the 72-fold name was used by Moses to cross the Red Sea, and that it could grant later holy men the power to cast out demons, heal the sick, prevent natural disasters, and even kill enemies.
Other names and titles of God includes:
- Judaism - Eloah, Elohai, El Shaddai, Tzevaot, Tsebaoth, Sabaoth, Jah, Adonai, Hashem, Adoshem, Ba'al, Ehyeh asher ehyeh, Elah, Elah Yisrael, Elah Yerushelem, Elah Shemaya, Elah-avahati, Elah Elahin, El Roi, Elyon, Hashem El Olam, Shalom, Shekhinah, Abir, Adir, Adon Olam, Aibishter, Aleim, Aravat, Avinu Malkeinu, Dibbura, Ehiyeh sh'Ehiyeh, Ein-Sof, El ha-Gibbor, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, HaRachaman, Kadosh Israel, Magen Avraham, HaMakom, Malbish Arumim, Matir Asurim, Mechayeh HaKo, Mechayeh Metim, Melech HaMelachim, Melech HaOlam, Memra d'Adonai, Mi She'amar V'haya Ha`olam, Netzakh Yisrael, Oseh Shalom, Pokeach Ivrim, Ribono shel'Olam, Rabb al-‘Alamin, Ro'eh Yisra'el, Rofeh Cholim, Shomer Yisrael, Somech Noflim, Tzur Israel, YHWH-Niss'i, Adonai-Nissi, YHWH-Rapha, YHWH-Ro'i, YHWH-Shalom, YHWH-Shammah, YHWH-Tsidkenu, YHWH-Yireh, Yotsehr 'Or, Zokef kefufim
- Islam - ar-Raḥmān, ar-Raḥīm, al-Mālik, al-Quddus, As-Salām, al-Muʿmin, al-Muhaymin, al-ʿAzīz, al-Jabbar, al-Mutakabbir, al-Khaliq, al-Bariʿ, al-Musawwir, al-Ghaffar, al-Qahhar, al-Wahhab, Ar-Razzaq, al-Fattah, al-Alim, al-Qabid, al-Basit, al-Khafid, Ar-Rafiʿ, al-Muʿizz, al-Muzill, As-Samiʿ, al-Basir, al-Hakam, al-ʿAdl, al-Latif, al-Khabir, al-Halim, al-ʿAzim, al-Ghafur, ash-Shakur, al-Ali, al-Kabir, al-Hafiz, al-Muqit, al-Hasib, al-Jalil, al-Karim, Ar-Raqib, al-Mujib, al-Wasi‘, al-Hakim, al-Wadud, al-Majid, al-Baʿith, ash-Shahid, al-Haqq, al-Wakil, al-Qawi, al-Matin, al-Wali, al-Hamid, al-Muhsi, al-Mubdiʾ, al-Muʿid, al-Muhyi, al-Mumit, al-Hayy, al-Qayyum, al-Wajid, al-Majid, al-Wahid, al-Ahad, As-Samad, al-Qadir, al-Muqtadir, al-Muqaddim, al-Muʾakhkhir, al-Awwal, al-Aakhir, Az-Zahir, al-Batin, al-Wali, al-Mutaʿali, al-Barr, At-Tawwab, al-Muntaqim, al-ʿAfu, Ar-Ra’uf, Malik ul-Mulk, Zul-Jalali wal-Ikram, al-Muqsit, al-Jamiʿ, al-Ghani, al-Mughni, al-Maniʿ, Adh-Dharr, An-Nafi‘, An-Nur, al-Hadi, al-Badiʿ, al-Baqi, al-Warith, Ar-Rashid, As-Sabur
- Kabbalah - Tav Hey Kaf, Aleph Kaf Aleph, Hey Lamed Lamed, Shin Hey Mem, Mem Lamed Ayin, Tet Yud Samach, Yud Lamed Yud,Vav Hey Vav, Mem Kuf Hey, Yud Resh Hey, Hey Bet Mem, Lamed Zayin Yud, Ayin Hey Hey, Vav Aleph Lamed, Daled Lamed Aleph, Yud Zayin Hey, Vav Hey Chet, Hey Lamed Mem, Yud Yud Yud, Kaf Lamed Nun, Lamed Hey Pey, Vav Vav Lamed, Yud Lamed Kaf, Vav Lamed Aleph, Resh Shin Vav, Bet Kaf Lamed, Mem Vav Aleph, Yud Yud Resh, Hey Aleph Shin, Tav Resh Yud, Aleph Aleph Hey, Hey Tav Nun, Zayin Yud Yud, Ayin Hey Resh, Mem Ayin Chet, Yud Nun Aleph, Daled Nun Mem, Kuf Vav Kaf, Chet Hey Lamed, Vav Chet Yud, Hey Yud Mem, Lamed Shin Ayin, Yud Resh Ayin, Lamed Aleph Samech, Hey Lamed Yud, Lamed Yud Yud, Kaf Yud Mem, Hey Hey Hey, Yud Vav Pey, Hey Bet Mem,Tav Yud Nun, Aleph Nun Nun,Mem Mem Ayin, Shin Chet Hey, Yud Nun Daled, Vav Hey Vav, Yud Chet Mem, Vav Nun Ayin, Hey Hey Yud, Bet Mem Vav, Resh Zadik Mem, Chet Resh Hey, Lamed Yud Yud, Mem Mem Nun, Mem Vav Mem, Yud Yud Hey, Mem Bet Yud, Hey Aleph Yud, Hey Aleph Resh, Vav Bet Chet, Ayin Yud Aleph, Kuf Nun Mem, Bet Mem Daled
- The Supreme God
- The Supreme Entity
- The Supreme Existence
- The Supreme Nonexistence
- The Omnipotent, Omniscient, & Omnipresent
- Parent of All Existence
- Beloved Creator of All Living Creatures
- Guardian of Everything & Nothing
- Ruler of the Heavens
- The Ancient of Days
- God of the Covenant
- King of Kings
- Lord of Lords
- Everlasting Light of Genesis
- Eternal Darkness of Extinction
- One Above All
- One who Art in Heaven
- The First & Absolute Power
- The Power over all Powers
- I Am that I Am
- God of Israel
- God of Jerusalem
- God of the Heavens
- God of Gods
- God of Genesis
- God of Extinction
- God of Existence
- God of Everything
- God of Nonexistence
- God of Nothingness
- God of Divinity & Lordship
- God of Transcendence
- The Most High
- Highest of All Authorities
- Master of the World
- The One Above
- The Merciful God
- One who Spoke, & the World Came into Being
- Maker of Peace
- Supporter of the Fallen
- The Endless One
- The Infinite One
- Clother of the Naked
- Freer of the Captives
- Life-giver to the Dead
- Opener of Blind Eyes
- Fashioner of Light
- Straightener of the Bent
- The Most Gracious
- The Ever-Tranquil
- The Granter of Security
- The Exalted in Might & Power
- The Possessor of Greatness
- Eternal Spirit Worshipped By All, Have Absolute Power Over All Matters, Nature & Events
- The Repeatedly Forgiving
- One Who is Ready to Pardon & Forgive
- Possessor of Who Subdues Evil & Oppression
- Bestower of Sustenance
- Opener of the Gates of Profits
- Possessor of Giving Comfort, Free from Pain Anxiety or Troubles
- Possessor of Authority of Decisions & Judgment
- The Authorized & Straightforward Judge of Dealing Justly
- The Ever-Magnificent
- Greatly Abundant of Extent, Capacity & Importance
- The One Who Takes Account of All Matters
- Accepter of Invocation
- The One Who Tenders & Warm Hearts
- The Alpha & The Omega
- One Who Oft-Brilliant in Dignity, Achievements or Actions
- The Only One Certainly Sound & Genuine in Truth
- The Numberer of All
- The Reinstater Who Brings Back All
- The Giver of Life
- The Bringer of Death
- One Who Brings Forward
- One Who is able to do Everything
- The Supremely Exalted
- The Owner of all Sovereignty
- The Guide to the Right Path
- God of Christianity
- God of Judaism
- God of Islam
- Kabbalist God
- Blessedness-giving blessed one
- Life-giving life
- Goodness-giving goodness
- Knowledge-giving knowledge
- Mercy and redemption-giving mercy
- The Father of the Father
Popular Culture
“ | And God said: Let His being be spread all over, and there is certainly many versions. | „ |
— An Anonymous Writer. |
Fictional representations of the mythological figure of God is present in practically every place on Earth. From small poems to large cinematographic productions, there are countless different conceptions and personifications of the Abrahamic God in popular culture.
- DC Comics: One of the most famous examples of depictions of God in popular culture is The Presence, the DC Comics version of God, where he appears as an elderly gentleman with a cuckoo hat and an umbrella. The Presence is the representation of the Judeo-Christian God, having several aspects through which He manifests Himself, such as the Hand, the hand of God that created the world, The Voice, the voice of God sang the Logos, and the Source, which is God in the belief system of the deities in the Sphere of the Gods.
- Marvel Comics: Another work that works with the idea of God is Marvel Comics, which has a very interesting vision of God; on the one hand, there is The One Above All, aka TOAA, which is sometimes implied to represent or even be the avatar of Jack Kirby or Stan Lee. TOAA is Marvel's Supreme Being, whose all other beings are mere characters of his own, with his rival and archenemy being The One Below All, who is God's alter ego, otherwise known as The Devil. And besides The One Above All, there is another deity known as "Yahweh" who is the Abrahamic God worshiped in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Yahweh is shown as a type of demiurge, being a craftsman deity who had his ups and downs during creation, currently suffering from a case of personality disorder, which is a case of tripolarity.
- Supernatural: On Supernatural, Chuck Shurley is a writer of a series of books conveniently known as "Supernatural", later revealed to be the biblical God. In this version of God, we are presented with a much more distorted version of God, with him often acting like a watcher and not caring about events that occur with the protagonists. In the end, it is revealed that Chuck is the show's main villain and the final antagonist of the Winchester brothers. He also has a sister named The Darkness. Chuck is heavily implied to be the fictional representation of the Supernatural's screenwriters.
- Spawn: On the Spawn comics, God is Satan's brother, rather than his creator, and is also presented as a demiurge. In this version of God, the Biblical God is a separate entity from Jesus Christ, with the Messiah actually being one of the many forms of the Mother of Existence, the mother of God and Satan.
- High School DxD: In the Light Novel known as High School DxD, God (commonly known as the God of The Bible) is a ghost character, being only mentioned and never having an actual appearance on the scene. He is the creator of the Abrahamic Heaven and the Angels, as well as being the creator of the main weapons wielded by humans. However, unlike most versions of the Biblical God, this version appears to be very weak compared to most characters, as he had a hard time with the Four Great Satans, who are weaker than Sirzechs Lucifer, and had a hard time sealing the Beast of the Apocalypse, Trihexa, indicating that the God of The Bible is actually quite weak in the DxD universe.
“ | Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth. God is known by countless names and titles throughout the Earth, such as YAHWEH, Elohim, Adonai, Allah, Deus, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Baha, Jehovah, etc. God is the creator of Heaven and mankind, who were made in his image in his likeness, along with all of existence, from the smallest atom to the most gigantic galaxy and beyond, being a manifestation of God. However, despite being the creator of Heaven, God is also the creator of Hell, and therefore the creator of demons and evil. | „ |
— Unknown. |
“ | If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful; it cannot deny itself. | „ |
— 2 Timothy 2:13. |
“ | God is something that cannot be expressed through words or action. All that we can understand is that He is great. He is almighty. He is eternal. He is all and one. I personally never saw Him as a cruel being or a tyrant. The issue is that His so called followers twist His Word and transform it into a cult, thus depicted Him as such. I don't blame Him if He decides to rain down fire because of that. | „ |
— A Human. |
“ | The more Atheists there are in the world the better for God and His Gospel... Because God does not exist in reality, God is. | „ |
— Elias Durand Leroy. |
“ | I am that I am, I am who I am, I will become what I choose to become, I am what I am, I will be what I will be, I create whatever I create, I am the Existing One, Yesh. | „ |
— God. |
“ | God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time. | „ |
— Regarding God himself. |
“ | For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. | „ |
— Paul, Romans 8:38-39 |
“ | Do not dare to challenge Him boy, he will swat you like a fly, He is the one I fought during the pre-existential times, out of all beings I fear Him the most, He is God. | „ |
— Azathoth to Nyarlathotep. |
“ | God is funny. "No one came before me", I can think of, like, 5 other dudes who existed before God did, what a narcissistic shit head. | „ |
— Asa. |
“ | Parting a soup is not a miracle, son. It's a magic trick. Now, a single mom who works two full-time jobs, and still finds the time to pick up her kid at soccer practice, that's a miracle. A teenager that says "no" to drugs and "yes" to an education, that's a miracle. People expect me to do everything for them, but they don't realize that they themselves have the power. You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle. | „ |
— God to a human. |
“ | Inspiration to becoming God is the highest foolishness among all of the Megaverse. As wondrous as terrifying is what I am. I am what limited oral capacity describes as love. I am the greatest infinite power between lovers, family, friends, strangers, and even enemies. I’m the greatest darkness and the supreme light. I am the hope, fear, despair, and blessing. I am the reason for existence for I am the only why. This is why it is foolish to become God. Would you rather simply be the reason or be one that takes the reason and spreads it to every corner of well everywhere? What seems more divine? | „ |
— God. |
“ | In my view, God is totally different from what people like to preach. In the view of many Christians, God is a punisher, tyrant and petty, who thinks the best way to solve things is to throw lightning at someone's head. But that's not what we see in the Bible. What did Jesus preach? Love. And who did he hang out with? Exactly, with sinners, prostitutes, lepers and malefactors. And who judged him for that? That's right, the religious who, believing they were doing the will of God, were actually speaking ill of their own master. Ironic isn't it? | „ |
— Virgo Durand Leroy. |
“ | I am the Lord, and outside of me there is no other God. I am the Creator, the source of all that is, ever was or ever will be, as well as all that is not, has not been, and never will be. You know me by many names, my son, such as Adonai, Elohim, El Elyon, El Shaddai, but you can call me by my personal name, which exists within each fingerprint of the Macroprosopus and Microprosopos, I will be. I will be what I will be. | „ |
— God to Moses in the Burning Bush. |
“ | Shalom, Virgo. Which avatar of God am I? Well, I am Him. The guy upstairs. I am Yaldabaoth, Nebro, Jehovah, Abraxas, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, the Monad, and the Silent Unknown Parent. I'm God. I am not one of God's avatars, my little daughter. I am Him in person. Nice to meet you. | „ |
— God to Virgo. |
“ | Well, it’s easy to represent nothingness. That’s just the bit ‘0’. God is the opposite of that. Complete fullness. Perfection in every respect. This kind of stuff is beyond space – our modern theories of space take a bunch of bits to specify – but if it helps, imagine God as being space filled with the maximum amount of power and intelligence and goodness and everything else that it can hold, stretching on to infinity. | „ |
— Ana Smith-Teller. |
Carl Black |
| |
God disguising as an old man |
- He is pretty known by humanity and worshiped by part of.
- God is also worshiped by almost every being in the universe, from extraterrestrials to deities, making him the most worshiped "deity" in creation. Ironically, even though he is the most famous 'God', he is the most unknown of all creation entities, being called the "Unknown of the Unknowns".
- The only beings who were able to contemplate the true face of God were the Pre-Existential ones. Nevertheless, it is believed that Jesus and the other avatars of God have seen His face, as they are God Himself. Furthermore, it is believed that the Four Great Archangels and Lucifer were the first and perhaps the only angels to see the face of the Lord.
- He apparently loves The Sound of Music and it would be one of the things that Heaven keeps around should they win the Apocalypse.
- God's least favorite type of people aren't criminals but instead are people who deny science and scientific discovery only on the grounds that "it didn't happen in the Bible" or "the Bible said otherwise".
- God has the highest amount of avatars of any entity in existence.
- Many avatars of God actually uses the many names that God possesses.
- The three avatars of God who are the God of Christianity, Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, were born out of His spiritual interactions with Barbelo, with the three avatars being linked as "brothers", with each being one third of the other.
- While the Hindu Primordial Trinity (Brahman, Ātman, Shakti) are treated as children of God, they are more closer to avatars of the former than the latter who birthed them.
- Interesting enough, because God had created the Hindu Primordial Trinity who would then create the Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and the Tridevi (Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati) who would created the the Hindu Pantheon. This makes the Hindu Pantheon one of the very small amount of pantheons that Khaos has nothing to do with.
- This was done again with Jesus Christ who was physically birthed by the Virgin Mary.
- Yaldabaoth is the only avatar of God that He didn't manually create as the core that would become this Demiurge was actually a rouge "piece" of God that was blasted off by Khaos and then was found by Sophia.
- God is an entity so famous around the world that He is honored or referred to in Movies, Soap Operas, Novels, Philosophy, Video Games, Anime, Manga, Television Series, Fanfics, Science Fiction, Dances, Young Adult novels, Shounes, Shoujos, Restaurants, Churches, Cinemas, Cartoons, Prayers, Sacrifices, Wars, Battles, Music, and much more.