Gods and Demons Wiki

There's beauty in everything and everyone. You just need to have enough patience and efforts to find them. Especially in cases such as yours.
Jophiel to Damian Brigde.

Jophiel is the True Archangel of Love and Beauty and is known as one of the most beautiful beings in all of Creation.


Jophiel is one one the angels that expelled Adam and Eve from the Gshe took over Satan’s former position as the leader of the Cherubim. Due to her status as the Archangel of love and beauty, she gives humans the ideas and energy to carry out artistic ventures. She is also responsible for helping humanity see the beauty around them.

Not only does Jophiel help artists but she helps awakens the souls of those who wish to have a higher understanding of themselves and guides them along their spiritual pathway.

Jophiel is the angel who makes everything beautiful. Although she mainly focuses on art and beauty, she is a powerful and formidable opponent and someone the legions of Hell fear.She is responsible for constructing the weapons and armor the angels need for their jobs. She is also the architect of Heaven.

However, due to Jophiel being the archangel of love and beauty, Jophiel is rarely seen fighting and is more of the non-fighting type similar to Aphrodite and Venus. Jophiel is mainly seen with her partner, the archangel of lightning and thunder, Barachiel.


Jophiel is an extremely beautiful angel with a form described as putting many beauty goddesses to shame, who is considered to be highly attractive by her fellow angels, with back-length strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes. It is revealed that Jophiel's wings are what truly make her beauty, even more than her appearance and personality. Her wings are said to be a beautiful mixture of pink and red, symbolizing her as the angel of love and beauty.

Although constantly related to beauty, whenever Jophiel manifests herself on the material plane, she often manifests with humble appearances, wearing tacky clothes. Her appearance is also not very attractive to standards, with her often appearing as a fat, pot-bellied woman, or as a thin or very old woman. These appearances are chosen by Jophiel because being an angel, she knows better than anyone that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that inner beauty is far more important than outer beauty.


Jophiel is a pacifist who is against using underhanded means like violence. Jophiel is a kind-hearted and altruistic person, and extends this side of her personality even to those of the lower class angels, unlike many other upper-class angels. She is also revealed to be Auriel's mentor, into spreading love and hope upon humanity, she supervise her studies during Auriel's training as the Archangel of Hope. Jophiel is rather humble and immodest as in spite of her great talents and beauty, she is not at all boastful about them but remains level-headed and speaks modestly to all her peers, even those in the lesser spheres.

Powers and Abilities[]

Similar to that of Aphrodite, Frigg, Venus and many other entities of love and fertility, Jophiel is more better at seduction and sexuality than fighting to the point that she absolutely hates violence and is more interested in things such as love, beauty, relationships, families and so forth.

  • Archangel Physiology: Being one of God's True Archangels and also one of the greatest of the heavens, Jophiel is considered as an angelic being of divine power along with Camael. Her power is considered to be utterly fearsome as it's that which no angel, lesser than a seraph, could ever hope to overcome or even equal.
    • Smiting: Jophiel can strike her targets with a far superior force/blow, usually resulting in a One Hit Kill against almost anything. When used by Jophiel, this ability has a angelic aspect imbued into it, dealing even more damage to unholy or evil enemies. The amount of power capability Jophiel can use with this ability is absolutely unlimited, merely preparing it can cause fear in her opponents.
  • Love Empowerment: Jophiel becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by love of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.
  • Absolute Beauty: Jophiel possesses the rarest type of beauty there is (pure infinite beauty), which is even higher up than supernatural beauty. No one, no matter how different her beauty standards may seem, cannot deny Jophiel's beauty as truly unfathomable as Jophiel possesses infinite beauty. Because of this, Jophiel can use people to get what they so desire.
  • Absolute Charisma: Jophiel possesses the highest level of charm she can obtain in existence. Jophiel is able to sway any sentient being she comes across to completely agree with her on a biased argument or to join her cause. From groups to Races, feeble mortals to the most stagnant divinity of entities, they cannot simply say 'no' to Jophiel. The charisma Jophiel possesses is so high, that even beings with immense willpower give in to Jophiel's persuasiveness. Anything about Jophiel in personality, presence, as well as seductiveness is absolutely perfect. Jophiel's mere presence is enough to make heads turn in interest.
  • Calming Presence: Jophiel has an overwhelmingly calming presence which induces powerful feelings of tranquility in others, allowing one to keep others calm and peaceful.


Myths and Legends[]


The real beauty is not on the outside but on the inside of the person. The outer beauty is seen with the vision, the inner beauty is seen with the heart.
You see that angel in the picture there? That's Jophiel, the Jewel of Heaven whose job is to spread love and beauty throughout God's creation. It's because of her that your father's heart turned hard as stone. No one really know why. None of them share the story to anyone. But one thing is clear, there's bad blood between the two. It's because of that bad blood that she is now your biggest threat child. Beautiful and lovely she might be, but her beauty isn't going to stop her from cutting your head off the moment she discovers your existence.
Titivillus to Matt Wright.


