Gods and Demons Wiki
Warning. Crossover content.
This page contains information about beings or non-beings that do not originate from this Megaverse, but of a separate continuity that somehow managed to overcome the fourth wall and reach other Megaverses. Everything mentioned here is no longer considered apart of history, as with their leave so also goes their participation in our time. With that clarified, have fun with the page.

What the hell is this place? Is this seriously the shit you were getting up to?

Phoinix von Flame, more simply known as Phoenix, is a being almost unknown to us, but whose power exceed his obscurity.


Unknown, completely unknown. Almost nothing is known about this genocidal fireball. The working theory is that he's from a separate Megaverse than our own. This explains many things, such as how he sort of just appeared, and how he left our own Megaverse but is still considered alive. He's still alive because you can't kill him, trust me, I've tried. The Megaverse Phoinix comes from has been referred to as the TCSU, or "The Created Structured Universe".


Look at the image in the infobox you dumb fuck. Phoinix's body is that of a circular fire ball with round white eyes. His hands are floating white gloves and his feet are blue shoes with a white rim. Blue has always been my favorite color. Phoinix is very expressive with his eyes, almost like a cartoon character. When angered, the white in his eyes shrink and he suddenly has black eyes with white pupils.

Apparently the fire is considered to be his "hair." When shaven, his actual face looks to be a red circular hyper-realistic humanoid face with diluted pupils and a massive toothy grin. That's why I don't shave.

Due to both his name and him being worshiped as a bird headed deity, it is very possible that Phoinix originally appeared more Avian like. Also my female form is a hot babe with MASSIVE tits. That's how this wiki works, right?


Phoinix is a very inconsistent character. One second he would go on unhinged rants about what seem to be cosmic versions of Earthly conspiracy theories, and another second he would barely be noticeable. This is similar to a more extreme version of bipolar disorder, and it makes him a massive threat to the entire megaverse. The thing Phoinix usually rants on about is something called the "New Omniverse Order" (a play on New World Order), saying that it's inevitable and can't be stopped. Most of the time however, he treats his world as if its just a game, as if he knows about the fourth wall, as if he knows that he is an inherent fiction. Why don't you take a hint?

Powers and Abilities

Phoinix has often been called one of the most powerful entities of all of Creation. You're really just gonna copy and paste this part huh?

  • Pyrokinesis: Phoinix has shown very strong attacks related to fire.
  • Durability: We don't know the full extent of his durability but we know it's almost impossible to kill him. The gods themselves have even stated that Phoinix only dies when he chooses to die.
  • Telekinesis: Phoinix has lifted a lot of heavy objects just with his mind, not even having to use his hands like other telekinesis users.
  • Shape Shifting: Phoinix has incredible shape shifting ability, being able to change his original appearance so drastically just because he was bored. He was able to change the appearance of his head just so he could make a joke. While he has prodigal transformations abilities it seems to be lesser than most other's.
  • Fourth Wall Awareness: Phoinix seems to have an awareness of the Fourth Wall.
  • Power of the Author: This is a power that Phoinix apparently had that gave him the power a real life writer would have compared to his characters. He thankfully somehow lost this ability.


  • Apathy: The only reason he hasn't killed us all yet is because he couldn't care less.


Before "Here"


Through hints that he has given us, we can tell that his origin is incredibly vague. Even he doesn't remember his own backstory. Rumors include him being a Phoenix that stole immortality from the gods, being the first murderer Cain, and even being the physical embodiment of the light created by God at the beginning of time.

An Old War

Phoinix was involved something he called "the first war." This war was between rival species, a species of rock creatures and (what he calls them at least) the Phoenixes. The war took a turn when Phoinix fell in love with and married the highest among the rock creatures. I still remember him, every single day I'm reminded of him. When the war was about to end, an assassin managed to kill Phoinix's husband, which led to Phoinix killing everyone in his path until he got to the culprit. They say on that day that the two sides were united not through love, but through fear, fear of him.

Ancient Egypt

Phoinix seemed to have been worshiped as the sun god Ra during the time of ancient Egypt. After the christianization of Egypt, his version of God forced him to kill every deity that was worshiped by humanity up to that point.

Most recent events

The most recent events of Phoinix involve him adopting a daughter, fighting in another war, dying, and eventually bringing himself back to life. The most relevant event for now is how he got "here."

Apparently he was trying to stop someone named "Azoth" from taking over his megaverse and was thrown out of it. He has been traveling from multiverse to multiverse trying to get back to his own, the only reason why he came here is by accident.

First Contact

When Phoinix first arrived he was incredibly confused. All he did was wander through the cosmos searching for any sign of life. After what felt like years of searching, he finally happened upon a woman without a face.

The faceless woman immediately initiated conversation with Phoinix despite not knowing who he was. She introduced herself as Enigma and offered to show Phoinix around.

Phoinix was shown the various different sights that the Megaverse had to show. He was given a run down on some of the things we have come to know, such as the gods and demons that inhabited the realms. Get it? Now clap. After showing him all she could show, she decided to tell him one of the most hidden secrets the megaverse since she assumed that a being completely unknown to her would be on the same level of power. She decided to let him know about, The Truth™.

This seemed to set Phoinix off, not necessarily about the secret itself, but what it meant. He felt as though he was being replaced by us all due to a person he somehow barely knew yet knew all too well. He decided to take this distress and turn it into anger, and he decided to take this rage out on our entire existence.

Our Potential Destruction

The Megaverse started to shake that day. No one had experienced power like this before, the only thing comparable being God fighting other similarly powerful entities during the Primeval Wars. Many people not only feared for their lives, but for the very concepts that held together the universe. To many, it seemed as if the procephied Final Conflict had just come to fruition.

Phoinix didn't start with most powerful, not because he couldn't, but because if he started at the top he would have to simultaneously deal with them along with the lesser entities made to serve. Phoinix started with some of the lesser yet still prominent deities that inhabited our world. He happened upon the Dodekatheon, whom he was confused after noticing that they were still alive.

Unknown to Phoinix, this actually gave him the same problem but in reverse. Before he was able to kill any of the Olympians, he managed to attract the attention of the entire Council of Godheads. There he found himself in combat with entities much more powerful than the lowly Zeus. This eventually got the attention of the Angels, and that eventually got him the attention of God.

In his all-loving nature, God attempted at first to talk Phoinix down from anymore fighting, but Phoinix was already stubborn in his ways and challenged God to a one on one battle. If Phoinix wins, then Phoinix would gain complete control over this reality as he did his own, if God wins, Phoinix will give his entire body and soul over to Him. As God knew Phoinix would continue on his rampage no matter what, God accepted the terms and the two engaged.

This is How You Kill a God

For obvious reasons, Phoinix took the chance to take the first strike against the all mighty. But for unknown reasons, Phoinix wasn't able to hit him. He kept attempting hit Him but despite the fact he was punching His form, it was as if he wasn't punching anything.

God finally decided to strike down Phoinix, Phoinix felt as if he was then falling for light-years before being struck again. Phoinix could take it, but it doesn't mean he could take it forever. Phoinix had to come up with a plan, any plan, something that would allow him to survive. But then, he came up with something. If he couldn't attack the physical but the physical could attack him, that meant the form that Phoinix saw wasn't the actual form of his opponent, merely a puppet. Phoinix started taking the title "God" seriously, and so he decided to take a risk. Phoinix pulled back his fist, and launched it towards the infinite formless light.

For the first time since creation, God felt unimaginable pain comparable to no other. God became confused, how could such a simple entity ever cause physical pain to the Almighty? In the confusion, Phoinix punched Him again, and again, and again. God started to become weak, something that seemed impossible due to His omnipotence.

God was at His lowest in that very moment, what was seen as the impossible became possible. Phoinix was finally in the position to finally kill Him, but before he did so he decided to let God say His final words:

Whatever I did to you or your loved ones for you to want me dead, I am truly sorry.


Phoinix was confused by God's apology. Phoinix was under the impression that God was an apathetic tyrant who sat upon his high horse while the world burned. He couldn't conflate this with God apologizing for something He didn't do. Phoinix no longer cared if he was being replaced, he spared God's life along with everyone else's, and he left our Megaverse, never to return.

After he left, everything sort of went back to normal. It was as if he never existed in the first place. The only evidence that he left on our world was a note that read:

I'm sorry for what I've done, you guys have a cool God. I wish I could say the same.

Myths and Legends

Phoenix158, also known as Phoenix, Pheenix, and Phoinix von Flame, is a fictional character created by Nayerb for his own personal projects rather than for the Gods and Demons wiki. It's the first crossover character that was added to the wiki and as of this sections writing the only crossover character added. This specific version of Phoenix158 is the version from the Phoenix158 Preboot canon literally crossing over into the Gods and Demons wiki canon.


Didn't I kill you rapist fucks already?
Phoinix upon noticing the Dodekatheon still alive.
I used to be so thrown off by the phrase "Kill yourself". "Oh why would someone want another to die, especially in such a tragic fashion, when they did nothing to the other?" Now I think it's just funny. Just kill yourself, I don't really give a shit.
He's not evil, just misunderstood. We can choose to be afraid of him and try to fight back, or we can choose to try and help him, to make him understand. He is not a monster, he's a tragic figure in need of help, and we could've give him that help.
Alright great grandad, you have just lied for the first time in your life. People may call me stubborn, but the fact I'm willing to say this shows that I could be more stubborn. That thing is a horrifying monster, and I'm glad he stopped existing.
It's as if I've seen him before. I know I haven't but it's as if we're related by blood, and the should be impossible!



  • He seems to have a connection to a member of the Syntaktis.
  • When he first came to this Megaverse, he went by the name Phoinix tou Fotia to stay mysterious. However he eventually revealed his real name to be Phoinix von Flame.
  • Phoinix is pansexual.